Pop Culture

‘Juno’ stars to participate in a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood

Juno movie poster

It’s no secret that many celebrities are fans of Planned Parenthood, fundraising for them and promoting their agenda. However, to see that the stars of “Juno” are raising money for Planned Parenthood through a table read of the film is unsettling, to say the least.

The filmmakers are staging an all-female live read to benefit the abortion giant. Stars Ellen Page and Jennifer Garner will reprise their roles from the film, with other women reading the male roles as well. And director Jason Reitman wants to make it clear through this fundraiser: “Juno” is not a pro-life film.

“If there was any confusion about whether Juno was pro-choice or pro-life, this should settle that,” he said. “Juno had a choice, and that was the most important part.”

But is that really true?

The scriptwriter did say that she did not intend for the movie to become “pro-life propaganda.” But while that may be true, the movie still contained a pro-life message, even if only accidentally. As Kristen Hatten wrote for Live Action News:

Yes, the lone pro-life protester outside the clinic is portrayed as ridiculously dumb, but the inside of the clinic is worse. The workers are dead-eyed and look right through the protagonist, offering her flavored condoms and not much else. As she sits in the waiting room, sounds around her begin to coalesce into a heartbeat – like her child’s.

Intended or not, if I were a scared pregnant teenager and saw this movie, the last place it would send me running for help would be an abortion clinic.

It’s sad that this movie would be used to fundraise for abortion, and even more specifically, for Planned Parenthood, whose main priority is abortion. Consider Reitman’s argument that the important thing in the movie “Juno” is that Juno had a choice — but at Planned Parenthood, that isn’t really the case for pregnant women. 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy-related services are abortions; they provide practically no prenatal care, and almost never refer pregnant women out for adoption services. For every one child that Planned Parenthood refers out for adoption, 160 are aborted there. Planned Parenthood, despite its claim that abortion only makes up 3 percent of its services, is all about abortion — not actual choices:

For a real-life teenager in Juno’s situation, Planned Parenthood would not be the place to go if she wanted to consider adoption instead of abortion. And if she wanted to keep her baby? Forget it.

Even to Planned Parenthood staffers, the idea of helping women keep their babies is a joke. If the filmmakers really wanted to honor the movie’s message, they would be fundraising for any organization but Planned Parenthood.

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