
Defunding Planned Parenthood means funding women’s health care instead of abortion

abortion, defund, Title X, Planned Parenthood

On Thursday, the U.S. House voted to defund America’s largest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood.

Through a reconciliation bill, the House voted 217-213 to strip Planned Parenthood’s roughly $553 million in annual taxpayer funding. This is a huge victory for women and the more than 320,000 preborn children who die every year at the hands of the abortion giant. However, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards soon took to Twitter to bash the victory and push a false narrative about the “health care coverage” millions of people will lose if the corporation is defunded.

In the video, Richards says defunding Planned Parenthood is bad “for women and women’s health,” claiming that “this bill makes it … harder to have a healthy pregnancy and harder to raise a family.” Her talking points are false and quite puzzling.

First of all, women will not lose their health care due to Planned Parenthood’s defunding. In fact, women have many options when it comes to receiving comprehensive health care. The thousands of health centers that outnumber Planned Parenthood’s 650 facilities offer even more services than Planned Parenthood. Oh, and these community health centers also offer mammograms, something the abortion giant lacks in its so-called “health care.”

Richards’ repetitive – and quite frankly exhausting – claim that Planned Parenthood is the only place for women to get health care is a perpetual lie. Planned Parenthood is in the business of abortion, not health care. It commits over 320,000 abortions every year – over 34 percent of the nation’s abortions – while providing less than 2 percent of U.S. pap tests and breast exams. If the abortion giant really wanted to provide women with quality health care, it would stop killing 887 preborn children daily and start increasing its low percentage of other services it currently uses to cover up its abortion services.

Secondly, how does preventing abortion cause healthy pregnancies to be more difficult? There’s nothing “healthy” about killing a preborn child in the womb. This is the illogical reasoning Planned Parenthood has resorted to using.

Near the end of her video pleading with Congress to not be defunded, Richards admits that Planned Parenthood is on its last leg, claiming, “This is the fight of our lives.”

While Richards is wrong to say Planned Parenthood is the only health care provider for millions of women, she is right about one thing – Planned Parenthood is fighting to stay alive.

The pro-life movement now awaits the U.S. Senate to cast its votes to defund America’s largest abortion corporation. This is a crucial step toward protecting countless preborn children yet to be born – fighting to stay alive – from Planned Parenthood.

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