Just hours ago, Live Action released a new investigation video that proved Planned Parenthood’s eagerness to participate in sex-selective abortions that specifically target unborn baby girls.
Weeks before details of the investigation were made public, Planned Parenthood admitted it was “worried” that it had been stung by Live Action again. Its worries were confirmed this morning.
Planned Parenthood fired a staff member in Austin, Texas who was caught on video assisting a woman in obtaining an abortion in the event that her unborn child was a baby girl. Planned Parenthood has yet to explain exactly what this staffer did wrong.
With regards to obtaining an ultrasound to determine the gender of her unborn baby, the woman asks Planned Parenthood, “Do you think I should go and just ask for an ultrasound and just not tell [the doctor] that I’m gonna terminate if it’s a girl, or…I just feel like there’s been some judgment for my…”
“To be honest with you, um, I would probably think so,” the Planned Parenthood staffer suggests.
“But do you think I still just shouldn’t worry about telling them that I would be terminating if it’s a girl?” the pregnant patient repeats later.
“Right,” Planned Parenthood says. “I would.”
Further, Planned Parenthood encourages the woman to engage in Medicaid fraud to obtain an ultrasound so she can get a late-term abortion if her baby is a girl. The staffer explains:
I have actually applied for Medicaid. Got on Medicaid as if I was going to continue my pregnancy, went through the OB/GYN, and then me and my husband decided we were gonna go ahead and terminate. We terminated, and I still stayed on Medcaid and just got on birth control.
The pregnant woman inquires as to whether she should follow in the same steps as the Planned Parenthood staffer to abuse Medicaid to ultimately obtain a sex-selective abortion: “If we did that, we could probably get pregnant again soon after?” she asks.
“From experience,” the Planned Parenthood staffer explains, “there’s nothing wrong with getting pregnant again immediately afterwards.”
Planned Parenthood subsequently fired this staff member, stating:
Within three days of this patient interaction, the staff member’s employment was ended and all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters. Today opponents of Planned Parenthood are promoting an edited video of that hoax patient encounter.
This is Planned Parenthood’s standard protocol to responding to Live Action investigations: claim the videos are a hoax, fire an employee, then re-train your staff.
This undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood’s involvement in gendercide via sex-selective abortions is one of several to be released in the upcoming weeks.