
Step one in ending sexual assault: Shut down Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood, woman

Last October, the hashtag #MeToo went viral after allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Hollywood power producer Harvey Weinstein became public. The floodgates were soon unleashed, with millions of men and women taking to social media, writing #MeToo to show that they had been victims of sexual harassment, rape, or sexual assault. The idea was to show just how widespread the problem is. Since then, sexual assault has been a hot topic, with more notable personalities being accused, and more women coming forward to tell their stories. Enter Planned Parenthood.

It’s interesting that Planned Parenthood pretends to care about stopping sexual assault, considering they spend their time grooming young children to be assaulted, and then cover it up when it inevitably happens.

In Live Action’s SexEd investigation, Planned Parenthood’s disturbing sexual advice for children was exposed. Planned Parenthood rakes in millions of taxpayer dollars through the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program and the Personal Responsibility and Education Program (PREP), with the supposed goal of teaching children how to have “safe sex.” In reality, this means encouraging young girls to engage in some dangerous, and violent, sexual practices. Watch the trailer below:

The investigation found Planned Parenthood counselors telling girls to experiment with BDSM, and other dangerous sex practices. Online seminars for teenagers gave more information on BDSM, while Planned Parenthood “resources” encouraged teens to experiment with playing with feces, bestiality, and drinking urine. But the advice given in person was even more disturbing.

While various fetishes were advised, as well as watching porn and illegally entering sex shops, the overarching theme was BDSM. In facilities across the country, Planned Parenthood’s “counselors” recommended things like whipping, choking, asphyxiation, and violent torture sex — to teenage girls. These teenage girls were also encouraged to try horse whips, clamps, and ropes, and told that sex that leaves welts, burns, and marks is not only not abusive, but is healthy and normal.

In short, Planned Parenthood grooms girls to allow assault to happen, and to believe that it’s part of a normal, healthy sex life.

And then what happens when victims of sexual assault turn to Planned Parenthood for help? Time and time again, it’s been found that abusers take their victims to Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood’s abortionists kill their preborn child, collect their blood money, and hand the victims right back to their abusers. In two separate Live Action investigations, Planned Parenthood was found to aid and abet sex trafficking, as well as cover up the sexual abuse of children.

While we wish it was true that this only happens in Live Action’s undercover investigations, it happens time and time again in real life. Over and over and over again, Planned Parenthood does nothing to stop the sexual abuse of children, refusing to alert the authorities or do anything to help the victims. Multiple facilities, like one in Cincinnati, have even been sued because of this. In another example, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains was likewise sued, and in that case, settled, for a disturbing reason. A 13-year-old girl was brought to the facility by her rapist for an abortion. Even though the facility knew her age, and that her last name was different than her rapist’s, they did nothing. The rapist continued to sexually abuse her for months. The abortion corporation settled after a judge remarked that “Planned Parenthood’s conduct was so outrageous that punitive damages would be appropriate.”

This is a widespread, endemic problem with the abortion giant. Despite the tweets it may send out, the abortion profiteer cares not even a tiny bit about stopping sexual assault and abuse. Why would they, when they can profit from it? If Americans truly want to stop sexual assault, then the answer is clear: step one — shut down Planned Parenthood.

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