Pop Culture

Does NARAL actually care about the right of all people to parent?

hands, family, foster care, NARAL and parenting, parental leave

This week, reality star Kylie Jenner confirmed that she had given birth to a baby girl, ending months upon months of speculation over her pregnancy. Afterwards, Refinery 29 ran an op-ed arguing that Jenner’s pregnancy should serve as a model for the rest of the country; just 19 when she became pregnant, even Jenner — a wealthy celebrity — came under immense criticism. Some even said that she should have gotten an abortion. “Young, unwed mothers are not often met with a chorus of congratulations and cheer,” Sesali Bowen noted in the piece. “Instead, they often face shame, stigma, and reprimanding for making such a life-altering decision while muddling whatever timeline people have deemed more appropriate. Even when such criticisms are well-meaning, they miss the point.” Everyone should be able to parent how and when they choose to, even if they are young or poor or in any other less-than-perfect situation. This point is correct, of course — but what was truly shocking was to see NARAL Pro-Choice America take to social media in agreement.

It’s interesting that NARAL would make the argument that everyone, even those who are poor or disadvantaged or young, should be able to parent. After all, NARAL not only doesn’t support people parenting under less-than-ideal circumstances, they don’t want anyone else doing it, either.

Pregnancy resource centers, for example, can help women in unexpected or crisis pregnancies navigate their options and find support and resources. There is also help available if a woman is being pressured or coerced into an abortion, a sadly common occurrence.

While pregnancy centers are there to help women, NARAL wants to prevent their very existence. Despite the word “choice” being present in their name, NARAL Pro-Choice America is more interested in protecting abortion than they are helping women parent however they choose to, even if they are in less-than-ideal circumstances. NARAL has continuously lied about pregnancy centers, and why? Presumably because pregnancy centers threaten the group’s pro-abortion business.

After all, it’s not just that NARAL wants women to have access to “choice.” They specifically want women to have access to only one choice: abortions, to prevent babies from being born. Remember NARAL’s hysteria over non-political Super Bowl ads featuring babies? The group argued then that pregnancy needed to be prevented, even presumably among happily married couples who, judging by the “offensive” ads, seemed to be in a good position to have a baby. But even then, that’s not good enough for NARAL — and yet they’re going to argue that they favor supporting women who choose to parent in all situations?

NARAL’s priority is abortion, to an extreme level. When Democrats called for the party to step back from its pro-abortion extremism, NARAL doubled down, insisting that the party continue advocating for taxpayer-funded abortion on demand, through all nine months of pregnancy — even though this is out of touch with what most Americans support. And the pro-abortion group also doesn’t care about protecting women; NARAL’s former president saw decrepit, dangerous abortion facilities and looked the other way, and NARAL even remained silent on Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors. Why? Because shedding light on those businesses could be dangerous to the pro-abortion movement. And that is NARAL’s first and only priority: abortion.

It’s true that women should be supported when they are pregnant, no matter the situation. But if the abortion industry had its way, these women would be abandoned for refusing to kill their preborn children.

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