Live Action’s Abortion Procedures have saved the lives of at least 13 preborn children. The heartbreaking but factual animated videos show how each type of abortion is committed, and are narrated by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino. Levatino is a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist with over 40 years of experience, including as an associate professor of OB-GYN at Albany Medical Center, where he also served as the Medical Student Director and Residency Program Director. At the beginning of his career, he also worked as an abortionist, committing over 1,200 abortions before becoming pro-life. He worked with Live Action to show what the process of taking a preborn child’s life is really like.
Heather was pregnant and had decided she couldn’t have her baby when she saw Live Action’s videos. Her outlook immediately changed. “I wanted an abortion and came across your videos and immediately changed my mind,” she said. “Thank you for everything you do.” In March of 2014, Heather gave birth to her baby girl, Maven Olivia.
READ: These are the 4 most prevalent abortion procedures in America
In the Spring of 2016, another woman who was planning to abort her baby saw the Abortion Procedures videos on Facebook and commented, “Omggg I can’t do this god please talk to me.” A member of the Live Action team reached out to her and received this response: “I am pregnant and I dont think I am ready but once I seen [the videos] I feel like I ain’t got no other choice.”
The mother then commented that she was not going to abort, but was looking into adoption for her baby instead.
READ: Babies are alive today because their mothers watched these abortion videos
Michelle was 20 weeks pregnant when she was considering abortion in 2016. But after she came across the Live Action video explaining what happens during a D&E, or dilation and evacuation, she commented that she couldn’t go through with it anymore. A couple of months later, Michelle shared a picture on Facebook of her beautiful newborn baby, pictured above.
Other women shared their thoughts as well, saying that the videos completely changed their minds on abortion:
Sharing the truth of abortion on social media can help save lives. When women are told the truth about the development of their preborn child and how the procedure will end their lives, they are more likely to choose life!