Operation Rescue has released 911 calls originally obtained by Pro-Life Action League concerning two botched abortions at the same clinic three days apart. Family Planning Associates Medical Group (FPA) is an abortion facility in Chicago, Illinois which commits abortions up to 23.3 weeks (about 23 weeks and two days) of pregnancy according to their website.
In both instances, clinic staff called 911 to report “uterine bleeding.” The first patient, just 18 years old, was bleeding so badly that a Foley catheter, normally used to drain a bladder, was placed in order to slow the bleeding, indicating that she was hemorrhaging. The call was made on March 21, 2018, at 10:08 am and the clinic worker requested an ambulance.
The second call was made on March 24, 2018, at 8:33 am for a 23-year-old woman suffering from a uterine bleed. The abortionist was said to be riding in the ambulance with her to the hospital.
“Hi, this is . . . [redacted] . . . Family Planning Associates,” said the caller. “We [have] a patient that we need to transport to Northwestern Hospital. Our doctor will ride along with her. She’s a post-surgical patient that’s having a bit of a bleeding issue.”
Two emergency incidences at the same abortion facility indicates a major concern for the safety of its patients. However, this is hardly the first time a woman has been severely injured by the abortionists at FPA.
Numerous malpractice lawsuits have been filed against FPA in the past for uterine prolapse, uterine infection, failure to stop an abortion at the patient’s request, injuries requiring a hysterectomy on a 14-year-old patient, failure to provide follow-up care, artery puncture, bowel trauma, psychological trauma, and other injuries.
READ: Closed Chicago abortion facility: No inspections for 18 years, four women dead
“This Family Planning Associates abortion facility has a long history of medical malpractice related to botched abortions,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Women need to be warned that abortion is not as safe as the Abortion Cartel would have us believe. The way these two incidents were downplayed by the clinic workers indicates they are highly motivated to cover up incidents where women are injured and hospitalized. This is a pattern of deception that exists not only at this abortion facility, but at abortion clinics around the nation. They don’t want the public to know the truth.”
A D&E abortion is typically performed during the second trimester, as explained by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino in the video below:
Uterine injury or perforation as well as hemorrhaging are complications of a D&E abortion and can lead to death. These injuries easily occur as the abortionist reaches into the uterus with a clamp in order to dismember the preborn child, inadvertently puncturing the uterine lining and even breaking through it and hitting arteries or the bladder. Meanwhile, the preborn child is ripped apart, limb by limb so far along in the pregnancy that children have been known to survive abortion and premature birth.