At a time of year when Americans count their blessings, life ranks high on the list. Without life, nothing else is possible. And when families take time to consider all the gifts inherent in the gift of life, it’s apparent that every other human being deserves the same chance we each have been given.
Several Live Action Twitter followers shared their personal and powerful pro-life moments this Thanksgiving week — some with stories of abortion regret, and some with stories of lives saved.
These women shared how their abortions devastated them, convincing them that every human life deserves a chance:
I am pro-life because after I had an abortion while five weeks along, it took me 20 years to forgive myself & accept God’s forgiveness. All babies deserve life. ALL BABIES!!
— ???? (@uktlcblu) November 19, 2018
Because having an abortion destroyed my soul. Women are told it is a ‘minor’ procedure (like they said of my abortion at 6.5 weeks) and that is is empowering whilst the impact on our wellbeing is destructively huge. Women are born to create life, not to destroy it.
— flappie (@kleineflappie) November 19, 2018
I’m #ProLife cuz the moment my baby was ripped from my womb, I knew I had done something dreadfully wrong. My Spirit broke. I killed my own baby. I will NEVER STOP telling others as I never want another Soul to experience this. Not from the mother’s perspective nor the baby’s.
— le_ravenite (@ANGELYSE11) November 19, 2018
Others explained how we cannot be sure of our own rights if we do not demand humanity as the baseline for others’ rights:
I’m #prolife because if humanity is not the standard for human rights, no one can be guaranteed human rights.
— Lauren Enriquez (@LNEnriquez) November 19, 2018
Some stories were full of gratefulness for lives spared — their own or their children’s:
At 16 I walked out on my abortion appointment, and now have a four-year-old boy who is the absolute love of my life. Shocking, it didn’t ruin my life like everyone said it would! Positive stories like this are a necessity. Who says pro-choicers get to control the narrative?
— Caitlyn Dixson (@CaitlynDixson) November 19, 2018
I was born at 24 weeks gestation via C-section. It took just a moment to take me from my mother’s womb.. I do not believe I was any less human the moment before I was born, than the moment after.
— Helena Hamilton (@TweetlySaved) November 19, 2018
My birth mother’s boyfriend paid her to have an abortion with me. I survived Roe. I won’t let it survive me.
— AnnaKatherine Clarke (@annakatclarke) November 20, 2018
I am pro-life because I am thankful for my life since I survived my mother’s attempt to abort me #NoBitterness just #Gratitude
— C (@VeraWhi11705) November 20, 2018
Others spoke of the resounding commitment to life shared by those who surrounded them in life’s most vulnerable moments:
My mother chose to keep me when she had cancer.
I know her faith is one of the reasons she chose this path, and she, despite her hard life thought of me and my opportunity above her own and later in my life helped me come to understand that all life is meaningful.
1/6— Honna (@CrystalNightFox) November 20, 2018
“Adopted & loved into multiracial family of 15 (ten adopted). I’m an adoptive dad w/ 4 amazing munchkins and an *awesome* wifey. I had a courageous birthmom who chose to be stronger than her circumstances. This is my story…”–Ryan Bomberger, Radiance Co-Founder #WhyIAmProlife
— Radiance Foundation (@lifehaspurpose) November 20, 2018
I’m pro life because someone spoke up for my life. My birth mom gave me life and my adopted mom taught me about life. I speak because someone spoke for me when I could not speak for myself. #whyimprolife
— Lorelee Siemens (@LoreleeSiemens)November 19, 2018
In the midst of the thankfulness for life, some grieved over lives lost:
Im pro-life because my mom had an abortion when I was 12. I don’t know why she did it, I just know it was a boy. It makes me sad that my brother could be 30 years old now.?
— Alex BelCa (@Alexandra_Iv) November 20, 2018
Parents proudly shared photos of the children they gave life to, no matter the circumstances:
My reason ?? One is NT and one has severe #autism , both their lives have equal value. ? #ProLife
— Honest Autism/Hair Of The Dog Charity (@hotdogspa) November 20, 2018
Im pro life because my son had a serious brain condition in utero and at birth yet was and is no less human for it. In fact, he’s an amazing 1 year old.
— Matthew Mueller (@mattmueller2012) November 19, 2018
Many mentioned science — the science we are taught in textbooks and the science we witness firsthand on an ultrasound screen:
I became pro-life after seeing my child in utero at 11 weeks. Planned Parenthood says “it’s just a clump of cells”, but I could see head, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, etc. and a beating heart on the ultrasound.
— Miria F. (@miriaf) November 19, 2018
I am pro-life because science tells us we are independent human entities at conception and no one has the right to determine whether you live or die based on age, location or physical capability. Science and philosophy meet on the pro-life side of the argument.
— St. John the Philosopher (@johnphilosopher) November 19, 2018
I was completely devastated when I miscarried at 10 weeks in 2004. It made me see (even more) that an unborn baby – at any gestation – is perfect and precious. I have to speak up for them because they can’t speak up for themselves.
— Mary Brantley (@mkat81) November 20, 2018
READ: 12 Amazing facts that prove the preborn child’s humanity in the first trimester
Some voiced their conviction that devaluing life hurts women and tells them lies. They agreed that the most innocent must be defended for us all to succeed:
I’m pro-life because I believe women deserve better. We need to stop feeding into a culture that tells women it’s impossible to be a mother AND be successful.
— syd (@sydneyreneec) November 19, 2018
I came to the realization that is I was unwilling to stand for those humans who are (1) the most innocent and (2) the most vulnerable, how could I ever hope to stand for anyone else? ProLife is the FOUNDATION of all other protections.
— Nick Ewell (@nickewell) November 20, 2018
because i believe the strongest rational, secular arguments support the conclusion that human lives are worthy of legal protection begin at conception
& it is erroneous for SCOTUS to hold that such reasonable pro-life conclusions are literally un-American under the Constitution
— Anders Eigen (@AndersEigen) November 19, 2018
Finally, people made the point that anyone can be pro-life because of how barbaric abortion is. They suggested Google searches and the Abortion Procedure videos to anyone open to real facts.
It only took a brief Google search of the barbaric abortion methods and a simple understanding of biology to realize we have normalized brutal murder of unborn children. Inside the womb it’s called “abortion”, outside it’s called “murder”. That is not a choice you get to make.
— Logan Mundy (@LMundy6) November 19, 2018
I watched your videos
— Tobi E-Aina (@TobiEA7) November 19, 2018
Below is one of the videos referred to by Tobi. Made with medical animation, the abortion procedure videos feature OBGYN Dr. Anthony Levatino, who explains what happens in the four most common abortion procedures in the United States. The videos have reached 100 million views since they were released in February 2016.
Why are you thankful for life, and how can you pass the gift on to others?