Democrats reclaimed the House of Representatives after the 2018 midterm elections, which means they must now nominate someone to be Speaker of the House. And overwhelmingly, they once again chose Nancy Pelosi, in a 203-32 vote. She must be voted in by the entire House in January, but for now, she is enjoying widespread support from Democrats.
However, this decision means that, once again, the House will be led by a pro-abortion extremist who will protect abortion and Planned Parenthood at all costs. Here are just five of her most outrageous past statements on abortion:
1. The videos I haven’t seen are fake
In 2015, when Planned Parenthood was under heavy scrutiny due to the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos exposing the trafficking of aborted fetal body parts, Nancy Pelosi stood firm in defense of the abortion corporation. Instead of calling for Planned Parenthood to be investigated, she said that those exposing the industry should be investigated — and then slammed the videos as being fake, though she admitted that she had never even seen them:
I don’t stipulate that these videos are real. And the fact is – the fact is, that, uh, the research that is being criticized, the research that has been supported. No, I haven’t seen – I’ve seen some news reports on it, but I also know that some of it is not real. You can create any reality that you want.
The full, unedited footage is readily available, for every single video, and an independent forensic analysis confirmed there was no deceptive editing or manipulation. This statement from Pelosi was proof that her ideology comes first.
2. Don’t call preborn babies human beings
After the Center for Medical Progress scandal, the defunding of Planned Parenthood was hotly debated in Congress. Pelosi, then the House Minority Leader, was questioned by a reporter about the humanity of the preborn — which triggered an angry outburst.
REPORTER: Leader Pelosi, in reference to funding of Planned Parenthood, is an unborn baby with a human heart and a human liver a human being?
PELOSI: Why don’t you take your ideological questions… I, I don’t, I don’t have, look —
REPORTER: If it’s not a human being, what species is it?
PELOSI: You know, listen, let me just say something to you. I don’t know who you are, and you’re welcome to be here and freedom of this press. I am a devout, practicing Catholic. A mother of five children. When my baby was born, my fifth child, my oldest child, was six years old. I think I know more about this subject than you, with all due respect. And I do not intend to respond to your questions, which have no basis in what public policy is, that we do here.
The humanity of the preborn is a scientific fact. Pelosi claims this has nothing to do with public policy, but it does. If preborn babies are human beings, they are entitled to the right to life — which is likely exactly why Pelosi refused to answer the question.
READ: Even Nancy Pelosi knows abortion is a toxic issue for Democrats
3. Abortion is “sacred ground”
In 2013, Congress debated the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act, which sought to ban abortion after 20 weeks, when it is increasingly believed by scientists that preborn babies can feel pain. When Pelosi was asked about late-term abortions and how they are different from atrocities committed by abortionist Kermit Gosnell, she responded by declaring that, for her, abortion is “sacred ground”:
You’re probably enjoying that question a lot; I can see you savoring it…. Let me just tell you this: what was done in Philadelphia was reprehensible, and everybody condemned it. For them to decide to disrespect a judgment a woman makes about her reproductive health is reprehensible.
… They are saying that there is no abortion, that they would make it a federal law, that there would be no abortion in our country. You’re taking the extreme case…. And what I’m saying to you is, what happened in Philadelphia was reprehensible. And… I’m not going to have this conversation with you because you obviously have an agenda. You’re not interested in getting an answer…. As a mother of five children, my oldest was six years old the day I brought my fifth child home from the hospital, as a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this. I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics….
Leaving aside how blatantly offensive it is to suggest that abortion is “sacred ground,” her defensiveness makes it clear that Pelosi doesn’t like questions about abortion.
4. Pro-lifers and their silly consciences
A wide-ranging piece in the Washington Post featured the self-proclaimed “ardent, devout, respectful Catholic” Pelosi’s many political positions, including on abortion — and she slammed Catholic hospitals, along with the notion of conscience protections for health care workers. These silly pro-lifers and their silly consciences get in the way of abortion.
Catholic health-care providers in particular have long said they’d have to go out of business without the conscience protections that Pelosi says amount to letting hospitals “say to a woman, ‘I’m sorry you could die’ if you don’t get an abortion.” Those who dispute that characterization “may not like the language,’’ she said, “but the truth is what I said. I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it . . . but they have this conscience thing’’ that she insists put women at physical risk, although Catholic providers strongly disagree.
Yes, pro-lifers have this “conscience thing” that says it is unacceptable to take the lives of human beings.
5. Nobody used to know when life begins… so we can’t know, either
Pelosi once again invoked her faith as a so-called Catholic, this time to dismiss the idea of life existing in the womb. And she chose a visit from Pope Benedict XVI to Washington, D.C. in 2008 to bring it up.
… I would say that as an ardent, practicing Catholic, this is an issue that I have studied for a long time. And what I know is, over the centuries, the doctors of the church have not been able to make that definition … St. Augustine said at three months. We don’t know. The point is, is that it shouldn’t have an impact on the woman’s right to choose.
It is likely true that hundreds of years ago, people did not understand the humanity of preborn children (St. Augustine specifically lived well over 1,500 years ago!). Less than 200 years ago, African Americans weren’t seen as human beings, either. It’s ludicrous to think that this can somehow be seen as an argument in favor of abortion, because we do know now that these are human beings. We know the baby has a completely separate and unique DNA code from his mother at the moment of conception; his heart beats as early as 16 days, and brain waves can be measured at six weeks. Medical advancements have come a long way since the third century, but Pelosi seems content to remain there, as long as doing so means abortion remains legal.
With the decision to nominate Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, it seems clear that Democrats want to continue their pro-abortion extremism.