
Just before Christmas, NARAL tweets article calling abortion an ‘act of love’

abortion, pregnant, Christmas

Christmas is a holiday dedicated entirely to celebrating the birth of a Child… so it’s always a bit unsettling when abortion advocates decide to co-opt Christmas and use it to promote the killing of preborn babies. Yet that’s exactly what NARAL just did, in a ghoulish tweet calling abortion “an act of love.”

Just two days before Christmas, the pro-abortion advocacy organization tweeted a link to an article in which an abortionist argued that choosing to have an abortion can be an act of love.

READ: NARAL’s attempt to ‘celebrate’ dads who support abortion backfires

The link NARAL promoted is to an op-ed from Ghazaleh Moayedi, an abortionist practicing in Hawaii. Published around Mother’s Day, the article lamented how no one celebrated abortion on the holiday dedicated to mothers and their children.

There is no Mother’s Day card to celebrate abortion. There are Mother’s Day cards to celebrate giving hugs, wiping noses, and kissing boo-boos—actions that are seen as the core of how a mother expresses love for her children. For my patients who were not parents, and did not want to be at that moment, or who never want to be a parent, I recognize their abortions as an act of intentional motherhood. Choosing when to parent is an act of love. For my patients that were already parenting, I feel the deep love they had both for the children they had and for the pregnancies they were ending. Choosing an abortion is an act of love.

Moayedi’s column was controversial when it was published in May, and it’s no less controversial as NARAL decided to promote it just in time for Christmas. People wasted no time firing back at the abortion chain:


Promoting abortion around Christmas is something many people rightfully find distasteful and bizarre, but it’s nothing new for the abortion industry and its defenders.

Actress Whoopi Goldberg used Christmas as a bizarre defense of abortion, while Planned Parenthood previously raised eyebrows when they celebrated Christmas by tweeting out a photo of a birth control snowflake. Other groups have held Christmas fundraisers for abortion. It may be stomach-turning for average people, but for the abortion industry, it’s just typical holiday fare.

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