A mother in Johnson County, Tennessee, complained after a teacher showed her son’s high school biology class footage of Congressional testimony from former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, which aired on C-SPAN. The footage shows Dr. Levatino testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. In his testimony, Dr. Levatino, who committed more than 1,200 abortions before becoming pro-life, describes the most common second trimester abortion procedure.
According to News Channel 11, Laurette Loy, the mother of a student in the AP Biology class that viewed the footage, objected. She claimed, “It is not appropriate for any public high school classroom. The doctor talked about removing arms and legs.” She added, “It was very emotion provoking and it was not a black and white kind of factual thing.” The news outlet reported that Loy “claimed the video was politically biased.” Watch the video:
READ: 100 million views: People respond to the viral ‘Abortion Procedures’ videos
The director of schools for the county, Mischelle Simcox, told the news outlet that the teacher’s decision to show the video was in line with AP Biology standards.
An accurate description of an abortion isn’t political, but it does include details like removing arms and legs — because preborn babies do, in fact, have arms and legs. This is not, as Loy went on to suggest, politically biased, but accurate. Though Planned Parenthood would prefer to show a “dot” being removed from a woman’s uterus, the truth is that a child, from very early in pregnancy, has recognizable body parts.
To their credit, the school district has not disciplined the teacher over this groundless objection, and she continues to teach. Mischelle Simcox explained to News Channel 11, “She [the teacher] let the students know what the video was going to be about because it was just going to be a discussion between lawmakers and a doctor, and that if anyone felt uncomfortable, they had the right, of course, to leave the room.”
Dr. Anthony Levatino appears in Live Action’s Abortion Procedures videos, which have been viewed on YouTube tens of millions of times. Last year, a California teacher was placed under investigation after showing one of the medically-animated abortion procedure videos.
In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, teens and adults should have access to factual information about abortion so that they can make informed decisions.
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