There is no organization that kills more black Americans than Planned Parenthood. In a response to a tweet by Live Action, his eminence Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of Durban, South Africa, agreed: “Is there any good reason, other than political correctness, why abortion is not defined as & declared immoral & illegal, as THE hate crime of our era?”
Is there any good reason, other than political correctness, why abortion is not defined as & declared immoral & illegal, as THE hate crime of our era?
— Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) February 18, 2019
The incisive reply was a response to a Live Action tweet honoring Black History Month. Live Action tweeted a clip from a video of Ryan Bomberger for the Family Research Council, in which Bomberger points out that in New York City, more black babies are aborted than born. “Abortion is the most lethal form of racism,” the tweet read.
There is no group that kills more black Americans than Planned Parenthood.
Abortion is the most lethal form of racism. #BlackHistoryMonth#DefundPP
— Live Action (@LiveAction) February 14, 2019
Statistics show that African-American women have abortions at a rate of 25.1 per 1,000 women, which is roughly four times higher than white women. Such tragic statistics come as no surprise, given that Planned Parenthood has never publicly distanced itself from its founder, Margaret Sanger. Sanger was a well-known member of the discredited eugenics movement, which sought to exterminate whole classes of people based on the pseudoscience of “racial fitness.” Sanger once delivered an address to the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey; she wrote frequently about “segregation and sterilization,” and sought to create a race of “thoroughbreds,” weeding out the “unfit.” In 1939, she undertook “The Negro Project” to make poverty history by eliminating the poor and “unfit” black population.
READ: Here’s why abortion is wrong – the science
Today, Planned Parenthood continues this legacy of targeting the black community, as the abortion giant has 79% of its surgical abortion locations within walking distance of minority neighborhoods, and has been caught accepting donations specifically to abort black babies.
D & E Abortion Procedure | What You Need To Know
Can anyone still support abortion, let alone late-term abortion, after viewing this absolutely graphic & accurate video? Most horrifying is the fact that the baby is moving even as the dismemberment begins.
— Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) February 8, 2019
Abortion is a violent procedure, when done at any age of gestation. It involves suffocation, being torn apart either rapidly or slowly, being given a lethal injection, or being partially delivered and puncturing a skull. When directed, as Margaret Sanger intended, at the poor, the disabled, or persons of color, abortion is the most violent hate crime of our era, as Cardinal Napier so aptly points out.
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