
5 pro-life ways to fight abortion in 5 minutes or less

pro-lifers, pro-life, pro-life students, abortion, Planned Parenthood, Democrats, Exeter Students for Life

Pro-life activists have been revitalized by the recent passing of extreme pro-abortion laws in states like New York, and the federal government’s inability to vote in favor of protecting born, breathing, and viable abortion survivors. It’s shocking, how easily our so-called leaders are falling for the abortion industry’s tag lines and marketing schemes. But even though pro-lifers are fired up and ready to fight for the right to life, it can be hard to fit time into already busy schedules to help the cause. Here are different ways you can help women and their babies in just five minutes or less.

Follow and Share

Social media is a powerful tool when used properly. Head over to the platforms of your choice, and follow Live Action News, Live Action, and Lila Rose. On Facebook, you can click the follow button to opt to see these posts first in your newsfeed. You’ll be kept up-to-date on all pro-life related news, and be able to see when further action is needed on your part. You can also follow your local pro-life groups to keep track of what’s happening concerning abortion in your own state.

Once you’ve followed these pages, you can share information with your friends and followers. All it takes is a click, and you can be educating your friends on what abortion really looks like with Live Action’s animated video series, featuring former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino. You can share heartfelt stories of women choosing life in difficult circumstances, and of children exceeding all expectations when doctors told their parents to abort. And you can ensure your friends and family know what’s happening with abortion laws in the country and your state. You also never know which of the people on your friends list might be facing an unplanned pregnancy or a prenatal diagnosis that has them considering abortion. By clicking “share,” you could be saving a life.


Contacting Your Representatives and Senators

When a new bill is introduced on both the state and national levels, there are opportunities for people to testify in favor of the bill or against the bill. Testifying in person is time-consuming, but you can submit testimony via email, and many times, your local pro-life groups will have a generic email ready to go for you to sign and send. It literally takes five minutes, and then you can share it to social media for your friends to send along as well.

To find your representative and their contact information, click here; to find your senator, click here.


Pregnancy centers are under attack in many parts of the country. These pro-life centers offer real support to women free of charge, including ultrasounds, baby gear, clothing, diapers, and parenting classes. Others offer housing, and help to complete their education. But what these pro-life centers don’t have is the support of the government, much like Planned Parenthood, which gets millions of taxpayer dollars a year. Pregnancy centers rely on donations and volunteers in order to keep going. If you can’t volunteer your time, maybe you can write them a check. Any amount will be appreciated. And if you can’t write them a check, you could donate items for women in need.


If you aren’t registered to vote, then your pro-life voice can’t be heard. Once you have registered, you can opt to vote by absentee ballot if you are unable to actually get to the polls on voting day. Voting for pro-life politicians is essential to help protect human life. Just look at what has happened in New York — and all because pro-abortion politicians are now running the show. When you vote absentee, you save time and still allow your voice to be heard.

READ: Pro-life women in history: The life-affirming work of Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Become a Live Action Ambassador

Apply to become a Live Action Ambassador. You will receive emails teaching you how to be a pro-life activist, and how to best get the pro-life message across, so that you can help save lives.

We all have busy schedules these days, but we also have the power of technology. Use it, and you can help to change minds and hearts on abortion.

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