Abortion Pill Reversal

North Dakota law requires women taking abortion pill to be told of ‘reversal’

abortion pill, miscarriage, abortion pills, Ukraine

Women who undergo drug-induced abortions in North Dakota must now be informed that it is possible to have a live birth if they change their minds, thanks to a new state law. HB 1336, sponsored by Rep. Daniel Johnston, requires abortion providers to notify women of the “abortion pill reversal” process before giving them the abortion-inducing drug regimen. Governor Doug Burgum signed it into law on March 22, a week after lawmakers approved the legislation.

“The language in this bill is informational only, it is a notification only, giving the woman the full information she needs to make her own decision if she regrets her choice within a short period of time,” said Sen. Janne Myrdal, a supporter of the bill. “It is only a notice. It is not medical advice.”

“If it gives hope to even one person who has started the process and wants to try to reverse it, it is worth providing that information,” the Governor wrote in a statement.

The abortion pill is a two-step process requiring different medications taken several days apart. The first medication, mifepristone, blocks progesterone from getting to the placenta, depriving the baby of oxygen and nutrients and causing it to die. The second pill, misoprostol, induces labor. This pill is normally given 36 to 72 hours after the first – long enough for a woman to have second thoughts about going through with the abortion.

READ: Women recall abortion pill trauma in documentary: ‘This was a formed, undeniable baby’


The “abortion pill reversal” treatment involves administering high doses of progesterone to counteract the damage done by the mifepristone. It has the potential to be successful if it is started within 72 hours from the time that the woman takes the abortion drug.

Heartbeat International, the organization at the helm of “abortion pill reversal treatment,” claims that over 500 babies have been born healthy thanks to the “reversal” process.

Many women experience regret after starting the abortion pill process, but they are unaware that there are other options and they don’t know where to turn to for help. Thanks to this North Dakota law, these women will be armed with the knowledge and information that can give their baby a second chance at life.

Women seeking help for abortion pill reversal can visit the Abortion Pill Rescue website, or call the 24/7 hotline at 877-558-0333.

Editor’s Note, 7/30/24: This article has been updated to remove links and references to a study no longer published at the designated links.

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