
New Marist shock poll: 75% of New Yorkers reject late-term abortion

New York, abortion, late-term abortion

A new Marist Poll has found that the majority of New York State residents oppose late-term abortion, despite the fact that the state government recently ensured abortion will remain legal in the state through all nine months of pregnancy if Roe v. Wade is overturned. The Reproductive Health Act in NY also removed protections for abortion survivors.

Most New Yorkers consider themselves to be pro-choice, with 62 percent saying they are in favor of abortion and 34 percent stating they are pro-life. However, even the majority of those who are pro-choice say that they want abortion restricted to within the first three months of pregnancy.

According to the poll, an astounding 75 percent of New Yorkers oppose abortion after 20 weeks gestation. This includes about 69 percent of Democrats surveyed, 73 percent of Independents, and 89 percent of Republicans. The Knights of Columbus say these results are in sync with national survey results, which found that 71 percent of Americans oppose abortion after 20 weeks.

READ: New poll: Americans dramatically shift toward pro-life position following NY abortion law

“New Yorkers simply do not support laws that allow late-term abortions,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “It is now clear that these radical policies are being pursued despite opposition by the majority of New Yorkers, and by a majority of those who identify as Democrats, Republicans and Independents.”

The survey also found that two-thirds of New Yorkers think abortion should be “generally illegal” in the last trimester and they would limit abortion to the first trimester of pregnancy. Nationally, eight in 10 Americans would limit abortion to that same time period of the first three months of pregnancy.


In January, New York lawmakers made changes to the state abortion law that had been in place for nearly five decades. In addition to ending protections for babies who survive abortion attempts, pro-abortion state politicians voted to allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, including the emotional and even familial health of the mother — abortions on viable babies with healthy mothers. It was a move that sent shockwaves across the nation… and now we know it is largely unsupported by New Yorkers.

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