They’ve been called “imaginary” by some. But abortion survivors like Gianna Jessen, Melissa Ohden, Claire Culwell, and others, actually survived abortion procedures meant to claim their lives. Jessen and Ohden have even presented medical records to prove their personal testimonies, and yet, the message from abortion promoters is still the same: infants never survive abortions — but even if they did, we don’t need a law against infanticide, because nobody’s letting babies die or actively killing them if they accidentally survive abortions.
But here are some facts that the mainstream media isn’t telling you:
1. There are eyewitnesses to aborted babies’ survival — and their subsequent deaths.
Jill Stanek was a registered labor and delivery nurse working at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois — a Chicago suburb. She witnessed — and held — a child who survived an abortion who was going to be left in a soiled utility closet. Not wanting the child to die alone, Stanek held him. She wrote about it in an opinion piece for Townhall:
One night, when a co-worker was taking a survivor to the soiled utility room, I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone, so I rocked him for the 45 minutes he lived. He was almost 22 weeks old and had been aborted because he had Down syndrome. That experience transformed me into a pro-life activist. After I went public, the hospital fired me.
People have lost jobs for discussing the “execution” — as President Trump phrased it — of abortion survivors. People have left jobs where this was happening.
Other nurses have shared testimonials of how they personally witnessed abortion survivors being either actively killed or allowed to die. Still other nurses said babies born alive were turned facedown into saline to drown. Another nurse gave an account of an abortion survivor she witnessed being left in a sluice room to die.
Police reports hold accounts of babies accidentally born alive during abortions and then killed.
At a Florida clinic, an anonymous tip led investigators to the body of a baby girl who it was determined was alive and breathing when stuffed into a biohazard bag after surviving abortion.
Texas abortionist Douglas Karpen’s assistants claim he killed three to four born alive infants every day he committed abortions — by twisting their necks or by stabbing the soft spots on their skulls. Abortionist Kermit Gosnell is currently in prison, in part for killing infants born alive during abortions. He “snipped” their spinal cords when they came out alive.
Read more accounts of infants born alive during abortions here.
2. Abortionists admit that babies are sometimes accidentally born alive.
Notorious Florida abortionist James Pendergraft admits on his own website that babies may be born alive. “If the labor induction method is used, there is a small chance that the baby could live for a short period of time,” writes the Orlando Women’s Center. One of Pendergraft’s abortion patients actually went to the hospital after she went into labor instead of remaining at the facility, and her baby was delivered alive… and survived. Another baby born at his facility, however, was left to die after his mother called 911 from a facility bathroom — but abortion workers wouldn’t allow emergency workers to access to the mother and child.
Abortion survivors are known as “the dreaded complication.” One abortionist admitted that he left infants to die after abortion, telling authorities, “When a fetus is aborted, sometimes there is some activity in the fetus and you normally don’t do anything. You let the fetus expire. The usual thing is just to take your time, don’t immediately do anything.”
3. The Centers for Disease Control reports infants born alive during abortions who later died.
Accidental births of live infants during abortions have been happening for decades. And they’ve been left to die for decades.
Between 2003 and 2014, at least 143 babies were born alive and died soon after, according to records from the Centers for Disease Control. How they died isn’t reported — whether through negligence or through direct action — and reporting of these deaths (as well as number of total abortions per state, or even of abortion complications by state) is not required, and is entirely voluntary. Multiple states don’t report such totals.
In other words, the numbers are likely much higher. And the United States isn’t alone. According to a 2013 Live Action News article, “The Daily Mail reported that in just one year, 66 babies in the United Kingdom who survived abortion attempts were left to die. Canadian government statistics indicated that an average of 49 such born-alive infants die each year.”
4. Undercover investigations prove that if a baby survives abortion, the abortion industry isn’t interested in saving that child.
Live Action’s own InHuman investigation revealed a callousness among abortion industry employees to the idea of children who survive abortion.
In the video from the Bronx, New York, an abortion worker tells a potential late-term abortion patient that if a child is born “twitching” or attempting to breathe, that “the solution” they place the child in to send to the lab “will stop it” because “that’s the whole purpose of the solution.” In the Live Action undercover video from a Washington, D.C. abortion facility, abortionist Cesare Santangelo says he “would not help” a child who survived an abortion, and in the video from a Phoenix, Arizona, abortion facility, a worker says they “will not resuscitate” a child born alive during an abortion.
Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, states in the video clip below that without legal penalties and protections for infants who survive abortion, “these babies are going to die on the table.” Leaving a baby who needs medical attention to die — though it isn’t active execution — is really killing that child through negligence and a deliberate choice to leave that child on the delivery room table, withholding the care that child deserves.
See this Twitter thread for more information on infants who survive abortion.
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