In a webcast sponsored by the pro-life group And Then There Were None, former abortion worker Noemi spoke about a late-term abortion that endangered a woman’s life.
Noemi worked for four years at Tampa Woman’s Health Center in Florida. Tampa Woman’s Health Center was allowed to do abortions up through 23 weeks and six days, which is the legal limit in Florida. However, Noemi explains that the abortion facility could go beyond this fetal age by manipulating the ultrasound reading and reporting a pregnancy to be earlier than it really was…
In the state of Florida, you can go up to 23 weeks with six days legally and that is a very – it’s a very questionable number because it all depends on how you sonogram. You can easily, you know, move that sonogram probe and it will just now be 23 weeks with six days. A couple more centimeters, or millimeters to the right and now you have a 24, 25 weeker.
Because it was so easy to manipulate sonogram results to get the reading they wanted, the abortion facility sometimes aborted babies 24 weeks and older.
READ: 911 call: Hole torn in uterus of 15-year-old girl during second trimester abortion
Noemi describes how a young woman came in very far along in her pregnancy:
So, we had this one young lady; she was there with her mom from out of state. She had traveled because we specialized in second trimester procedures and she was dated at 23 weeks with six days, exactly the cut off – but since she had traveled, we took her on as a patient. And I kept telling the staff, I kept telling the surgeon, I said – you know what, her belly looks – I mean, I don’t need a sonogram, look at her belly. And they said, you are just so controversial, let’s go ahead and start this.
The baby was to be aborted by the induction method, which is used in the third trimester. In this method, the baby is killed by a Digoxin injection and then labor is induced after cervical dilation, normally three days later. Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino illustrates this procedure below:
The workers at the abortion facility could not get the woman to pass her dead baby. The procedure dragged on for five days straight, with Noemi staying with the woman around the clock:
It was a five-day procedure. It took us five days to labor this young lady out. She was young. She still had her whole life ahead of her. We had such difficulties. We could not get the procedure – we could not get the baby to pass. We had to call — even Boulder, Colorado, for advice.
Dr. Warren Hern, an abortionist who routinely does third trimester abortions, practices in Boulder.
Even though the woman’s life was in danger, the abortion facility wouldn’t let Noemi call an ambulance or summon any help:
We were panicked. I was in the clinic 24 hours a day administering IV fluids, just waiting for the medication to take effect. I mean, it was the worst-case scenario. I panicked for this lady’s life. I was responsible for her, and I had to give report to her mom who was in a hotel waiting for her, and I kept this woman, you know, 24 hours a day at the clinic. I wasn’t allowed to call 911. I wasn’t allowed to transfer her to a hospital. It was horrendous.
On the fifth day, the woman’s deceased baby came out. The woman survived, and Noemi does not say that she suffered any complications. Of course, if the woman went to an emergency room or other medical facility with complications in the days or weeks after leaving Tampa Woman’s Center, Noemi and the other workers wouldn’t know.
The incident shows how little abortion facilities care about the lives and safety of their patients. This woman could easily have died because the workers wouldn’t send her to a hospital.
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