
Abortionist happy about repeat clients, says abortion ‘prevents a human life… that hasn’t started’

aborted, science, heartbeat

An abortionist is making waves on Twitter after announcing that he is happy when patients come to him for repeat abortions. Despite the backlash, he remains unapologetic.

“Every single day, I see patients who I’ve seen before for abortion services but end up with another undesired pregnancy,” tweeted Joe Nelson, a fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health. “When they come back, they are often quite embarrassed to be in that position again and are worried we might be judging them. We don’t.”

While no one would hope that no doctor would judge his or her patients, joy at seeing a patient facing another unplanned pregnancy and feeling she has no option but to have an abortion is certainly an unusual reaction — yet that’s evidently how Nelson feels.

“[A]s a family physician who does exclusively abortion work now, it makes my day to see a familiar face,” he continued. “Those of us who do this work understand that this can happen to anyone at any time, and we take it as a huge compliment if you trust us with your care again.” He concluded that he “makes no apologies” for his statements, before adding that he “would never wish an undesired pregnancy on anyone.”

Live Action founder and president Lila Rose responded to Nelson’s statements on Twitter:

Nelson is not the first abortionist to celebrate the idea of multiple abortions. Diane Horvath-Cosper is an abortionist in Maryland; like Nelson, she cheered women having repeat abortions. In one tweet, she wrote, “When we stop and listen – *really* listen – to people’s lived experiences, we discover that #abortion might actually be the BEST method of #birthcontrol sometimes.” She also said it was “100% OKAY” for women to use abortion as birth control.

Other abortionists, however, feel differently, saying they have felt angry and disgusted seeing women come back again and again. Why? Because as abortionists know firsthand, every abortion procedure is taking a life. It’s killing. Each preborn child is a human being, unique and distinct and valuable. But part of what allows abortionists like Nelson to look past the depravity of abortion is dehumanizing the person they’re killing.

READ: Abortionist: You aren’t ‘pro-choice’ if you don’t support late-term abortion


“Being pregnant against your will is fundamentally traumatic for many people,” Nelson tweeted. “The process of removing the pregnancy can be scary for the patient, can be uncomfortable or even traumatic. But it pales in comparison to the trauma of a forced birth.” (emphasis added) He also claimed that the concept of life beginning at the moment of conception (fertilization) is an “extreme oversimplification” and instead, called the preborn child a “growing potential human.” He further claimed that abortion “prevents a human life,” because “you can’t end a life that hasn’t started.”

These claims have no basis in science whatsoever.

The humanity of preborn children isn’t a simplification; calling the abortion of a preborn child “removing the pregnancy,” however, is. Scientists have been able to pinpoint the exact moment life begins, which is at conception. The facts of fetal development further illustrate the preborn child’s humanity, including the fact that the heart begins beating just three weeks after fertilization. These are not “potential” humans, but actual human beings. The fact that they are small and reside within their mother’s wombs doesn’t make them any less human.

Editor’s Note: Header photo features image of a preborn baby at 10 weeks.

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