The pro-life group And Then There Were None, founded by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, has been hosting regular webcasts featuring the testimonies of former abortion workers. In one webcast, two former abortion workers gave their testimonies.
Rushed abortions and unqualified employees
Jayne of Planned Parenthood in Delaware described how the abortionist at her facility rushed through abortions as fast as possible:
The doctor was always in a rush. He was there, he flew in to the airport – the Planned Parenthood people, the up[per] echelon would rush to get him from the airport and drive him…. He came in, and he wanted the patients to go. He wanted them on the tables, and he was trying to get them as fast as he could.
The purpose of this, of course, was to increase the number of patients seen and thus the abortionist’s — and the abortion facility’s — profits. The other former worker, Noemi, who worked in a Florida abortion facility, also described women being rushed through the abortion facility:
[I]t was an assembly line. It was get them in, and get them out … The faster we got them in, the faster we got them out. If they were throwing up – you know, you can throw up in the parking lot, but we need that chair for somebody else.
Jayne discussed how unqualified people who lacked medical training were working at Planned Parenthood:
There were not many qualified people. I thought that the phlebotomists were trained phlebotomists but they weren’t – they were just “Planned Parenthood trained.” Which means, they just trained them – how Planned Parenthood just guesses and says good, go ahead, you can stick that needle in that person.
Other former abortion workers have told similar stories.
Noemi revealed that workers at her facility prefilled syringes and gave all women the same dose of medication despite their weight and health conditions, a practice that is very dangerous. Jayne testified that Planned Parenthood had no written protocols for administering medication, meaning the untrained workers had no clear instructions to follow. She also described how Planned Parenthood sent women home without RhoGAM shots, thus endangering women’s future babies.
READ: Abortion workers admit to rushing women through: ‘You can throw up in the parking lot’
“A systemic issue”
Also in the webcast, Pam Whitehead, who runs the website, described the site and its mission. compiles failed inspection reports from abortion facilities around the country. The site allows people to see if their local abortion facilities have failed health inspections.
Whitehead said that the problems of untrained staff and abortionists rushing through patients that Noemi and Jayne spoke of are common in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood, she says, is a major offender:
Everything they’re saying, they’re not isolated incidents. They’re systemic issues that we see in these facilities. Especially in Planned Parenthood facilities because historically Planned Parenthoods are basically run the same way… for the most part, Planned Parenthood is a brand, so they mostly run the same way. So, it’s easier to gauge where there is a systemic issue when you’re looking at Planned Parenthood.
Whitehead goes on to detail some of the things she’s discovered in inspection records:
Most of these facilities, what we see on their inspection reports are they have unqualified, uncertified, and untrained personnel. Exactly what Jayne and Noemi both were talking about. We see narcotics issues, where the narcotics count is not accurate…. We see people pushing IV medications who were not certified, not trained, not qualified to be doing that.
Whitehead describes one untrained abortion worker who worked in a facility for 20 years and made excuses when she was caught:
There was one facility, the nurse – she said she was a nurse, but she wasn’t – she’d been working for that doctor for 20 years. She’d been pushing IV meds, she was not a nurse anesthetist, she had no qualifications to be doing that. But it was her argument that she’d been doing that for 20 years. No matter how long you’ve been doing something, if you’re not licensed to do it, you could be driving for 20 years, and when the police pull you over and you don’t have a license, you’re getting a ticket. Right?
Unfortunately, with these abortion facilities, there is no enforcement. And that’s what we’re seeing.
The lack of enforcement of regulations is a major problem with the abortion industry. can make abortion-minded women aware of the dangers of abortion and give them compelling motivation to choose life. The site also educates pro-lifers. Pro-life activists can use the information provided on in their sidewalk counseling materials and warn women entering these facilities of the potential dangers.
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