
OB/GYN: Abortion for medical emergencies is a ‘smoke screen’ by abortionists

abortion, parents

Abortion — the deliberate killing of a child in the womb — is never medically necessary. Doctors can help women overcome a medical emergency by delivering the child, attempting to save both lives, without deliberately killing that child first.

Babies born before 21 weeks are unlikely to survive because of the current limits of medicine to aid in their survival outside of the womb. But babies born at 21 weeks or older stand a chance of surviving. Despite this, abortionists abort healthy babies at and beyond the age when they could potentially survive outside the womb — under the guise of “women’s health.”

Dr. Daniel Grossman is an abortionist and abortionist trainer who has extensive connections in the abortion industry. He recently tweeted about an abortion committed in his practice on a viable baby at 22 weeks and five days. He claims the abortion was necessary because the mother had placenta previa in which the placenta is covering the cervix. This may cause the placenta to separate from the uterine wall as the cervix begins to dilate during labor (or an abortion), and puts the mother at risk of hemorrhage and death.

“Sometimes people get very sick in pregnancy with high blood pressure and seizures, or they have prolonged bleeding from a placenta covering the cervix,” Grossman said in a multi-part tweet. “As an obstetrician, am I certain the patient will die without intervention? No. Am I certain their health will be harmed? Yes.”

He continued:

An example from my practice: A patient was pregnant at 22.5 weeks and had prolonged bleeding from a placenta previa. The bleeding was getting heavier and it was clear that the pregnancy could not continue to a point where her baby could survive without serious medical problems.

However, babies born as young as 21 weeks have survived and thrived, and hospitals around the United States and the world are stepping up to help babies born at this point. Grossman went on to say that the “patient decided to have an abortion because it was the safest option for her.” But was it?

READ: OB/GYN on Facebook’s abortion ‘fact check’: I’ve never had to kill one patient to save another

Dr. Christina Francis, Chair of the Board of the American Association of Prolife OB/GYNs, told Live Action News that committing an abortion in the case of placenta previa would put the mother’s life in danger. Dilating the cervix and placing an instrument through it, as is necessary during a D&E abortion, would disrupt the placenta and ultimately lead to hemorrhaging and possibly death for the mother. Using abortion instruments, in this case, could also cause harm to the mother. At 22 weeks gestation, the most common abortion procedure is a D&E abortion, in which the abortionist dilates the cervix and uses abortion instruments to dismember the child, as explained in the video below:


“While he’s right that severe pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) at that gestational age could necessitate delivery, a bleeding placenta previa not only would be excessively rare (nearly unheard of) at that gestational age, but also would be a contraindication to any instrumentation through the cervix,” AAPLOG’s Dr. Francis explained. “The safest thing for the mom in that situation would absolutely be a c-section. That is the fastest and safest way to control the bleeding. Also, at 22+5 weeks, there are many centers in the US currently that will attempt resuscitation of that baby (including where I work) if the parents, after counseling, decide that’s what they want.”

Abortion advocates frequently use medical emergencies to justify abortion in the second and third trimesters. But thousands of doctors have attested to the fact that abortion is never medically necessary to save the health or life of the mother. An emergency c-section takes minutes and is much faster and safer for a pregnant woman facing a medical emergency than undergoing an abortion that takes two to three days to complete.


“This is a total smoke screen, as usual,” explained Dr. Francis. “Also, what many pro-abortion advocates fail to acknowledge is that even if abortion is outlawed, physicians will still be able to treat pregnant women to save their lives when their lives are in danger. Interesting how [Grossman] acknowledges that he can’t guarantee the bleeding placenta previa would have put her life in danger, but states it would affect her health — yet doesn’t state how. Does his hospital not have blood products available?”

It is clear the abortion industry wants to convince society that abortion is necessary, even when it isn’t. Babies and mothers deserve better than doctors who will seek to kill before seeking to heal and save.

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