
Planned Parenthood’s hold on government becomes more obvious

If you’re looking for joy and congratulations on your new baby, best steer clear of Planned Parenthood…and the U.S. government.

Federal and state government offices continue to direct women to Planned Parenthood.

Thanks, Uncle Sam.

If you are pregnant, you have three options to think about — abortion, adoption, and parenting.

This is a phrase from the website of Planned Parenthood, so nonchalantly expressing to parents-to-be what their options are when they find out they are pregnant. Newsflash to me…I had no idea that – as it was so casually expressed – being pregnant didn’t naturally mean having a baby and raising it. When did pregnancy have such casual options, as if I am choosing what color to dye my hair or what outfit to wear today?

Family planning clinics, like your local Planned Parenthood health center, have specially trained staff who can talk with you about all of your options. But beware of so-called ‘crisis pregnancy centers’. These are fake clinics run by people who are anti-abortion. They often don’t give women all their options. They have a history of scaring women into not having abortions. Absolutely no one should pressure you or trick you into making a decision you’re not comfortable with.

It may be important to take your time and think carefully about your decision. But you may not want to wait too long. Whether you choose adoption or to become a parent, if you plan to continue your pregnancy, you should begin prenatal care as soon as possible. And if you are considering abortion, you should know that abortion is very safe, but the risks increase the longer a pregnancy goes on.

Oh, no pressure there at all either, but as they warn you, beware of others who pressure you.

What led me to go on this obvious abortion-giant’s website, as a faithful pro-life Catholic?

I found out that I was pregnant a couple of months ago after moving across the country suddenly to live with family while my husband searched for a job in our new state. We had to go to the local Department of Social Services to apply for assistance during our transition during this difficult change in our life. The lovely people at the DPSS ushered us through their lines and papers, and other workers came up to us while we were waiting and filling out papers to tell us about various services offered. It was a bit chaotic and extremely confusing. Finally, we made it up to the official caseworker.

Upon finding out that we were expecting, she (emotionlessly and, frankly, just plain impersonally) suggested that we go to the local Planned Parenthood. Whether it is common practice to refer those who come for assistance to Planned Parenthood or not, I don’t know. What I do know is that no other options were given. Not a list of local pregnancy centers – though there are numerous ones in the area, including ones that offer free ultrasounds – or a list of local doctors with their cash payment options or charges for appointments.

Clearly, the government isn’t biased or anything. No way. It seems that Margaret Sanger’s beliefs live on through the department of the government that helps those in need. Even today, they treat those people – like me – who are poor, recent immigrants, and lower-class to the “best” thing for them: Planned Parenthood. Apparently, we don’t want options, we aren’t people capable of making decisions, and most of all, we shouldn’t be pregnant anyway.

After snooping around a bit more on the website, I couldn’t find a list of actual services that Planned Parenthood offers to those who are pregnant who want to keep their babies besides tests. Lots of tests. Tests to see how defective your baby could come out. There wasn’t any encouragement, congratulations, or just plain beauty and joy shown. Take a look at some questions they have you consider when deciding on pregnancy:

Am I ready to cope with a tighter budget, less time for myself, and more stress? … Are we ready to put up with the strains on our relationship that may come from trying to get pregnant, dealing with pregnancy, and raising a child together?

So I wonder what the caseworker’s thoughts were in pointing me towards Planned Parenthood, when other pregnancy centers offer similar services and more care for the pregnancy in most cases. Hmmmm….

Thanks, Uncle Sam. It would appear that you’ve been bought out by America’s abortion giant.

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