
Abortion advocates have a ‘blueprint’ of demands for the next presidential administration

White House, Gosnell

In July 2019, about 80 pro-abortion organizations and abortion-industry insider groups released a Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice for the next presidential administration to use as a guide to “advance” abortion. In August 2020, the groups on board had grown to nearly 100 and released their “punch list” of actions for the incoming administration. Their demands are extreme.

Some of the more well-known organizations that signed the Blueprint are the American Civil Liberties Union, Catholics for Choice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, the National Organization for Women, the Guttmacher Institute, the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. These groups want a future in which “those in power will support, not restrict” abortion and a Congress and presidential administration that will put pro-abortion policies into place. “This Blueprint,” they said, “is our agenda for that future.”

Full access to abortion

The Blueprint calls for what the groups call “critical policy goals.” Those goals for the next administration include “[c]overage of and access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services and qualified providers at no or low cost and without exception.” They also expect “[u]nobstructed access to abortion care, including surgical abortion, medication abortion, and self-managed abortion.”

They demand that on day one, the president should “issue an executive order unequivocally stating his commitment to protect and expand access to comprehensive reproductive health care, uphold sexual and reproductive rights, including abortion care, in the U.S. and around the world, and rescind or revoke prior executive actions limiting access to care.” This includes revoking the Mexico City Policy which blocks U.S. foreign-aid money from funding groups that commit or promote abortion overseas, as well as the Hyde Amendment, a rider which has for decades prevented federal funds from being used to pay for abortions through Medicaid.

Investing in abortion

The Blueprint also includes a plan for the budget of the next administration and it suggests a minimum of $1.66 billion for global family planning and reproductive health programs. It also calls for the vetoing of any legislation that includes the Helms Amendment, which limits the use of U.S. foreign assistance for abortion, and presses for the Siljander Amendment to be changed. Currently, this amendment states that no funds from the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act can be used “to lobby for or against abortion.”

Blatantly, the Blueprint calls for this amendment to apply only to those lobbying against abortion.

READ: Media announces Biden plans to undo Trump’s pro-life executive orders

No religious exemptions or conscience protections

The pro-abortion groups expect the administration to do away with any exemptions for health care providers when it comes to abortion. The Blueprint demands “[s]trong non-discrimination protections for patients, including protections that ensure providers’ religious or personal beliefs do not dictate patient care.” One of the key provisions of the Blueprint is that any legislation that includes the Weldon Amendment be vetoed. This amendment protects the conscience rights of health care providers.

The Blueprint also states the president “must rescind and undo” the executive order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty. This would mean nurses and doctors who are morally opposed to abortion could be forced to participate in abortions against their will.

End pro-life regulations

The Blueprint also calls on the next president to end certain pro-life regulations within 45 days of taking office. This includes ending the regulation that forbids groups receiving Title X funding from taking part in or referring for abortion. The Blueprint also expects the next president to end religious exemptions for providers in the Affordable Care Act.

End FDA rule that protects women

In addition, the Blueprint includes a plan for the FDA to review and remove the REMS safety protocol for mifepristone, a dangerous drug in the abortion pill regimen. In fact, the abortion pill is four times more dangerous than first-trimester surgical abortion, but the abortion industry is pushing for women to be allowed to take the abortion pill alone at home.

These pro-abortion groups, some of which stand to gain financially from the expansion of abortion, expect the U.S. government and taxpayers to fund all-access abortion around the globe. Their plan could be put into motion in 2021.

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