
Abortion healing program ‘Surrendering the Secret’ aims to expand its reach in 2021

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Surrendering the Secret (STS), an international post-abortion recovery outreach that has successfully facilitated abortion healing for thousands of women since its inception in 1986, recently launched a new campaign called Share Your Light with the intention of expanding its reach. According to the outreach’s website, “Our 2021 Goal is to equip our trained leaders to provide New Ministry Starter Kits for 1,000 churches and Pregnancy Resource Centers.” The campaign title is derived from Psalm 43:3, which states, “Send out your light and your truth!”

For STS, the need is urgent. Its website states that while roughly 70% of women surveyed after abortion identified as Christians, only about half of those women felt that their church was equipped to help them heal. The new ministry kits include an STS member study book and support materials for both mothers and fathers.

Currently, the group offers an eight-step biblical healing program that is led by women who have also been through the trauma of abortion. It is designed to bring women together with others who understand their desire for peace after abortion and help them see how they can use their pain to work for God’s glory.

“Our mission,” said the group, “is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.”

READ: Abortion regret exists among pro-abortion moms: ‘Too many of us are bottling up the tears’

Live Action News has previously shared multiple healing stories of women who participated in a Surrendering the Secret Bible study. “I found hope and healing from Jesus for the first time during that class,” said one woman who went through the program 15 years ago. Another woman attended a Surrendering the Secret retreat 25 years after her first time sharing her abortion experience with a close friend. She went on to become a pregnancy care center volunteer and now helps facilitate abortion healing retreats for other women as part of her ongoing healing journey. One of Surrendering the Secret’s national leaders, Genecia Davis, went on to found Black Girls for Life as part of her healing journey following her STS experience.

Abortion trauma is real and can lead to an increased risk of depression, drug and alcohol use, and suicidal thoughts. Countless women are silently suffering and need the support that groups like Surrendering the Secret provide.

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