In a perverse celebration of Thanksgiving and the Black Friday shopping bonanza that follows it, a Florida Planned Parenthood decided to offer a discount for its “shoppers.” Jill Stanek had the details, noting, “Planned Parenthood brings new meaning to the term, ‘Black Friday,’ doesn’t it?”
Because the best way to celebrate the holiday season is by getting a discount on your abortion! As if Planned Parenthood didn’t make human life cheap enough, they have to go find a way to make it even cheaper.
But hey, this is Planned Parenthood. To them, every holiday is a good excuse to celebrate abortion, including Mother’s Day, which spurs them to hold fundraisers, beg for money, and claim that abortion honors motherhood. Abortion apparently makes for a great birthday present, too.
What’s next? Encouraging the gift of abortion for Christmas?
Happy Holidays from Planned Parenthood!