The results of Georgia’s runoff vote on Tuesday ended with both Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff winning their races and bringing a 50-50 split to the Senate, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to serve as the tie-breaking vote. Both Warnock and Ossoff support abortion, and their election is likely to help usher in expansive abortion laws to the US.
Warnock has vowed to “oppose all partisan attacks defunding health care providers like Planned Parenthood.” Though Warnock is the pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, he tweeted on December 8, 2020, “I am a pro-choice pastor.” He has also stated he “will always fight for reproductive justice,” that he believes “a hospital room is way too small for a woman, her doctor, and the United States government,” and that abortion is part of God-given “human agency and freedom.” As a result, he was heavily criticized by his fellow Black ministers who said his pro-abortion statements “represent grave errors of judgment and a lapse in pastoral responsibility….”
However, most abortions don’t take place in a hospital room, nor are they typically carried out by a woman’s family doctor. Forty percent of the abortions in the United States take place inside Planned Parenthood abortion businesses and are often committed by a doctor (or non-doctor in some cases) who has never before met this woman and will likely not see her again unless she returns for future abortions. Abortion is not health care because its purpose is to intentionally kill an innocent human being.
In addition, while God gives human beings “agency and freedom” to make decisions, He makes clear that there are acts which are moral and immoral, sinful and righteous. To imply that the freedom to kill another human being is somehow a God-given gift is a warping of the Word of God and is not sound theology. Warnock’s claims about human agency could theoretically be applied, therefore, to any act of which a human being is capable, even heinous acts like rape and murder perpetrated against other human beings. Indeed, Warnock has committed a “grave error” with this line of thinking. Every human being, regardless of age, location, race, ability, nationality, religion, or sex, is created in the image and likeness of God.
READ: Yale Divinity School professor incorrectly claims Bible is silent on abortion
As for the newly-elected Jon Ossoff, he has said he will “defend… a woman’s right to choose” and will “defend Planned Parenthood….” He erroneously believes that Planned Parenthood “provides essential preventative and reproductive health care services… to millions of American women” — a Planned Parenthood talking point which holds little water.
The addition of Warnock and Ossoff to the Senate could have disastrous effects for preborn children and their mothers. Their position on issues such as the Hyde Amendment and their support of Planned Parenthood mirror that of President-elect Joe Biden and could send America even further down the bloody path of free abortion on demand.
The Hyde Amendment
The Hyde Amendment, which has saved over 2.4 million lives from abortion and spared women the pain of abortion trauma, has had bipartisan support for more than four decades, and with good reason. It prohibits federal taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions through programs such as Medicaid. Suddenly deemed racist, the Hyde Amendment has saved countless Black lives and preserved future Black generations. With the addition of Warnock and Ossoff, however, the Hyde Amendment could disappear and the already disproportionate abortions on Black children in America will likely rise. Taxpayers will be forced to fund the discriminatory and eugenic killing of innocent human beings through government-backed abortion. Americans are largely against taxpayer-funded abortion, showing that politicians who want American taxpayers to fund abortions are out of touch.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood, which spent $45 million in the 2020 elections working to ensure pro-abortion lawmakers like Warnock and Ossoff were elected, currently receives more than half a billion dollars annually from the federal government. Warnock and Ossoff want to increase that funding. It’s an obvious and major conflict of interest that a controversial business such as Planned Parenthood would give millions of dollars to politicians who in turn ensure Planned Parenthood receives millions of federal dollars.
Expansive abortion laws
With pro-abortion control of both houses of Congress, abortion laws could be heavily expanded. Laws to protect life inside the womb will face defeat while laws to expand abortion could easily pass. Currently, many pro-abortion states are pushing through laws that aim to codify abortion as a right in their state constitutions, and President-elect Biden has said he would support codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law.
The Pro-life Democrat
With a 50-50 split in the Senate, moderate senators will be in the spotlight more than ever. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is pro-life while Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) are both pro-abortion. Manchin supports the Hyde Amendment, calling it “foolish” to repeal it. If Democrats for Life of America is correct, Manchin could be the last hope at retaining some protections for preborn human beings and their mothers.
These aren’t the only pro-life concerns now that the abortion industry and its allies in D.C. have grabbed control. The Mexico City Policy, which prohibits U.S. foreign-aid money from funding groups that either perform or promote abortions overseas, is likely to be first on the chopping block, and threats of packing the Supreme Court with pro-abortion justices could become a reality.
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