
Biden-Harris administration gives $5 million to dispense abortion kits around the world

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Earlier this month, the Biden administration announced an inaugural $5 million contribution to UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) Supplies, which uses donations to purchase and distribute contraception and maternal health supplies — including abortion-inducing drugs and devices. Though the U.S. government is prohibited by the Helms Amendment from directly funding abortions overseas, a loophole allows the funding of organizations such as the UNFPA.

According to the State Department, Deputy Secretary Wendy R. Sherman met with UNFPA Supplies Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on November 1, 2021, to discuss “empowering women and girls, including by promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights, advances human rights, gender equality, and global health.”

Along with distributing the abortion drugs misoprostol and mifepristone, both separately and together, the UNFPA also distributes manual vacuum aspirator (MVA) kits — a portable abortion device. MVAs use suction to dismember and discard young preborn children in the first trimester. Abortion doctors have demonstrated how this type of abortion is carried out using papaya and watermelon, as shown in the video below.

READ: Biden-Harris ‘gender equity and equality’ strategy heavily promotes abortion



Misoprostol and mifepristone are used together as the abortion pill regimen to induce dangerous chemical abortions. According to C-Fam, though misoprostol can be used on its own to treat and prevent postpartum bleeding, mifepristone would have no other purpose for so-called “maternal health” other than to induce abortions.

“In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) added mifepristone to its core ‘essential medicines’ list,” said C-Fam. “This list is held up as a global standard of which drugs governments should ensure are available in every country. Following their lead, UNPFA then ‘engages with national governments to ensure [sexual and reproductive health and family planning] commodities are included in national essential medicines lists’.”

Sending women home alone with pills meant to induce an abortion is reportedly four times more dangerous for women than undergoing a first-trimester suction abortion. Risks include hemorrhage, incomplete abortion requiring a second abortion, and death. Risks of a first-trimester suction abortion include uterine perforation, incomplete abortion, infection, and blood clots.

According to C-Fam, UNFPA Supplies also “operates in line with the Minimum Initial Service Package or MISP,” during crisis situations, which includes “safe abortion care.” It also works with The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and MSI Reproductive Health — the UK’s largest abortion business.

“Some IPPF Member Associations have reported that they are 100% reliant on the millions of dollars worth of contraception they receive from UNFPA Supplies, including M.A.s [member associations] in Nepal, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Yemen, and South Sudan,” said IPPF. “For others, donations from UNFPA form a significant part of their budgets, such as M.A.s in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, and Sudan.”

The 1973 Helms Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 prohibits the U.S. from directly funding international abortions, but the Biden administration’s contribution to UNFPA Supplies allows the US to indirectly fund abortions.

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