
Pro-abort blog falsely thought Planned Parenthood did mammograms

A post on the pro-abortion blog RH Reality Check dated February 14th, 2011 by the “Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs” reads:

Additionally, they want to defund Planned Parenthood whose major function is the providing of health care such as pap smears, mammograms and family planning to lower income women.

Mammograms? But Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide mammograms. See:

If Planned Parenthood’s supporters who write in support of the organization have been misled by Planned Parenthood’s rhetoric then surely the public has been misled as well. Planned Parenthood’s response to all of this is to say that they never claimed of provide mammograms. The Washington Post writes:

“a Planned Parenthood spokesman denied that the organization claimed to offer mammograms”

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