Human Interest

Minnesota couple adopts six children: ‘I’ll take good care of you’

foster care, adoption

One Minnesota family grew by six members overnight after a couple adopted five siblings and their cousin. Ruby Celada and her husband Armando Ayala told the Argus Leader that they were happy to welcome the children — four boys and two girls — into their family.

“We’re just happy that we’re able to do it and they’re able to be in the same home,” Celada said. “They’re not separated or anything.” The children range from age six to 12.

Celada said that while four of the siblings grew up together with their cousin, the children were unaware that they had another sibling, who she and Ayala also adopted.

“They were all in the system,” Celada said. “But one of them didn’t know they were brothers and sisters or anything.”

Celada told the news outlet that she is the biological aunt of the children, who had belonged to her brother. CPS had to take the children from their birth parents due to neglect, but Celada and Ayala made it their mission to make sure the kids were reunited as a family. Celada kept track of their whereabouts, and worked hard to go through the process of adopting all of them.

READ: Family surprises six siblings in foster care with adoption for Christmas

“They came a long, long way, they’ve been through so much,” Celada said. “Kids want to be with their parents, but sometimes they cannot be, because of the choices the parents made.”

The children also have some learning difficulties — all six have been diagnosed with ADHD and one has autism — but that hasn’t stopped Celada and Ayala from opening their hearts and their home to them.

To celebrate the day, the new family all wore matching shirts to their adoption ceremony, listing each child’s name and the date of adoption. They then went to Chuck E. Cheese for their first trip as a family.

All children are in need of a loving, stable home, especially those in foster care. As of 2019, there were more than 800 children in Minnesota eligible to be adopted, and 40% of those were teenagers. Anyone interested in learning more about adopting from foster care within the state can visit MN Waiting Kids.

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