
Pro-abortion groups plan multi-city protests in response to draft decision overturning Roe

NARAL, abortion group, EACH Act

A long list of pro-abortion groups are planning protests across multiple cities on Saturday as the Supreme Court approaches its first day for releasing its decisions to the public.

According to a press release, at least 200 events are planned nationwide in all 50 states.

“The events are intended to demonstrate the massive support for abortion rights nationwide, and to make clear to the public just how serious the threat to those rights is in this moment,” reads a press release from Unbendable Media.

“At some events, participants will urge elected officials in each state to pass legislation to protect abortion access, including stopping the passage of laws that would restrict such access. Other events may emphasize a call on the Biden Administation to do everything in its power to protect access to safe, legal abortion, and put pressure on U.S. Senators to listen to the 80% of Americans who support access to safe, legal abortion by passing the Women’s Health Protection Act.”

Planned Parenthood, MoveOn, Ultraviolet, and dozens of other groups are participating in the events.

Kelley Robinson, who leads Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said: “This Saturday we are taking to the streets to express our outrage–and our determination. Abortion access is in crisis, and Planned Parenthood organizations are proud to stand with partners and hundreds of thousands of people nationwide to come together and show that we reject the rollback our our rights and freedoms.”

READ: Pro-abortion protesters plan demonstrations outside Supreme Court justices’ homes

 “We are not stopping. We are not afraid. We have more resolve than we ever had before because we are not going back. We are not going to settle for Roe as it was. We’re fighting for a future where everyone, no matter their zip code, their race, or their income, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their body, their life, and their future. Bans Off Our Bodies,” she added.

It’s unclear how the Court will ultimately rule in the Dobbs case, but a widely circulated draft opinion indicates it will overturn the longstanding precedent in Roe v. Wade. The Court’s final decision could come as early as Monday.

In the draft opinion, Justice Samuel Alito reiterated several arguments that pro-life activists have made for years. Primarily, he argued that Roe erred in determining that the Constitution contained a right to abortion.

“At the time of Roe, 30 States still prohibited abortion at all stages …  [Roe] imposed the same highly restrictive regime on the entire Nation, and it effectively struck down the abortion laws of every single State,” wrote Alito. “As Justice Byron White aptly put it in his dissent, the decision represented the ‘exercise of raw judicial power,’ … and it sparked a national controversy that has embittered our political culture for a half-century.”

Most Americans do not know that Roe v. Wade and its partner decision, Doe v. Bolton, legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in the U.S, meaning polls that reflect support for Roe hold little weight. According to other polling that breaks down gestational age and circumstances under which Americans would support abortion, a majority of Americans would heavily restrict it, banning it after the first trimester and/or only allowing it in circumstances such as rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. This includes women, the majority of whom also favor significant abortion restrictions, according to polling data.

Saturday’s protests will continue the the days of protest opposing the Supreme Court draft decision and calling for protections on abortion. 

The demonstrations have sometimes included tense interactions between the two sides of the abortion debate. Even more concerning, pro-life groups have encountered vandalism that indicate pro-abortion motivations.

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