
Marco Rubio’s State of the Union response includes not just water break, but pro-life sentiments

Focusing on what matters.

Senator Marco Rubio’s State of the Union response from Tuesday night is getting much attention – much of which has to do with a water break, which took up all of about four seconds. This is the case not only on social media sites, but among media outlets as well. CNN attributed a blog post to the water break, which included screenshots of tweets about the senator reaching for a water bottle.


Senator Marco Rubio

There is much more to the Republican Floridian’s response than him being seemingly nervous and thirsty. For one thing, his introduction is solidly pro-life. Rather than making quips about a short water break, pro-life organizations and individuals, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, issued statements in support of such pro-life sentiments.

At 0:30 into the response, which is 14:38 long, Rubio says this:

The State of the Union address is always a reminder of how unique America is. For much of human history, most people were trapped in stagnant societies, where a tiny minority always stayed on top, and no one else even had a chance. But America is exceptional because we believe that every life, at every stage, is precious, and that everyone everywhere has a God-given right to go as far as their talents and hard work will take them.

Rubio’s response touched upon many topics, mostly on limited government, spending and taxes, and protecting the middle class. Though these topics do not touch upon pro-life sentiments, this relatively short response is still well delivered and worth watching. Rubio did criticize ObamaCare as well at 3:11, which contains aspects pro-lifers oppose.

Interestingly enough, Rubio lists the “moral breakdown in our society” at 11:49 as a contributing factor to many of the problems our country faces. Though abortion is not mentioned by name, it cannot be ignored that abortion very much does break down our society when it prevents children, who should have the ability to go far, as Rubio mentions, from being born and oftentimes breaks apart those in the family still living.

As the senator begins to wrap up his response, his words contain a touching sentiment about the hope of newly born children, and he even outright mentions single mothers and the hope they have, as other parents do, for their children to have a better life:

Tonight, all across this land, parents will hold their newborn children in their arms for the first time. For many of these parents, life has not gone the way they had planned.

Maybe they were born into circumstances they’ve found difficult to escape. Maybe they’ve made some mistakes along the way. Maybe they’re young mothers, all alone, the father of their child long gone.

But tonight, when they look into the eyes of their child for the first time, their lives will change forever. Because in those eyes, they will see what my parents saw in me, and what your parents saw in you. They will see all the hopes and dreams they once had for themselves. This dream – of a better life for their children – it’s the hope of parents everywhere. Politicians here and throughout the world have long promised that more government can make those dreams come true.

There is much hope in Marco Rubio, a young GOP senator from Florida with a humble background. If leaders with pro-life values can ascend to more positions of power, including the presidency, we may truly be able to see the hopes and dreams alive in children, when so many are not killed even before they have the chance to be born. Many will criticize and joke about Marco Rubio’s water break, but such responses are only sad distractions. The heart of the matter for this country is the pro-life sentiments which Rubio addressed, and that’s where the heart always should be.

Note: In addition to a link of the video on YouTube, ABC News also has a transcript of the response, which can be found on their website, here.

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