
Woman says abortion restrictions make her ‘more careful’ about sex

The Daily Signal Senior Reporter Mary Margaret Olohan recently posted a video clip to Twitter in which she interviewed a young woman at a recent Women’s March event. The woman states in the clip: “Having abortion banned means that … I have to be more careful when I have sex.” 

“So taking away the right to abortion basically makes you have to think a lot harder about who you have sex with?” Olohan asked.

“Yes,” the woman unironically answered.

But shouldn’t we think carefully about engaging in an act that is biologically designed to produce a new human life? And isn’t it well within the purview of the law to regulate our behavior in situations where others – innocent bystanders, you might say – could be affected by our actions, even actions which might be very pleasurable for us personally?

READ: Selling Sex in Schools: How our children are being groomed for early sexual activity

Let’s consider laws that prohibit driving under the influence of alcohol. Some individuals may find it very pleasurable to get drunk. They may find that their pleasure is enhanced by drinking in social situations like parties or bars. And they may prefer to use their own cars to get home, rather than relying on Uber or the bus. They may even find driving while drunk fun in and of itself. Their bodies, their choices, right?

Couldn’t these individuals make the argument that DUI laws are bad because such laws force them to “be more careful” and “think a lot harder” about their drinking decisions? 

By the Women’s Marcher’s logic, the answer should be yes.

But we know this is ridiculous, because every day, about 32 people die in drunk-driving auto accidents. And not all of these are the perpetrators themselves – many are innocent bystanders, people who are casualties of someone else’s “fun.”

The number of innocent bystanders killed each day by abortion makes the number killed by drunk driving look almost minuscule by comparison: Every day, approximately 2,548 children are killed by abortion. They are casualties of someone else’s “fun,” too. And their lives are just as worthy of protection as those of sober, responsible drivers. These children are completely helpless, put in harm’s way by no choice or fault of their own.

So yes, we should be careful and thoughtful about sex. Federally mandated legal abortion allowed us as a culture to be capricious about something that always should have been a very serious decision. There are over 63 million dead due to our recklessness. 

It’s high time we sobered up.

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