The Human Rights Commission in the city of Moorhead, Minnesota, says its purpose “is to secure for all persons, whether resident or visitor, equal opportunity in education, employment, housing, public accommodations, and public services and full participation for all Moorhead citizens in the affairs of this community.”
This apparently does not apply to the preborn persons living in Moorhead, however, as the Commission recently granted a Human Rights Award to Tammi Kromenaker, director of the Red River Women’s Clinic, an abortion facility that recently moved into the area from North Dakota.
The City posted an excerpt of Kromenaker’s nomination to its Facebook page, writing that Kromenaker:
… didn’t even skip a beat when Roe fell, she just dug in and knew she needed to do something to ensure abortion access in our area. Not only did Tammi put herself out there as an advocate for abortion access but she risked her own home life and finances to purchase a location here in Moorhead. Tammi and her partner have worked almost every single day to make this clinic a reality.
“[Kromenaker] continues to put women in the area first without judgment and uses funds that were raised to help patients with basic expenses,” Vice Chair of the Moorhead Human Rights Commission Siham Amedy said.
Local pro-life leaders are appalled that a “human rights” commission would award an abortionist, since the point of an abortion is to kill a human.
Reporter Austin Erickson with KVRR News asked Tim Miller from Minnesota’s Pro Life Action Ministries: “Do you basically see it as the City of Moorhead condoning abortion?”
“Absolutely,” Miller replied. “This is something that the City Council needs to take a look at. I believe they appoint this Human Rights Commission. Where is the leadership in that community? Where’s that elected leadership?”
Kromenaker was given the award under the civic/community category. She was not present to accept it.