
When abortion is not a choice: One woman said she was held down and forced

birth control, abortion, abortionists, rape, contraception, abortion

Though abortion is often framed as a woman’s choice, that is — at best — a massive simplification. Many women opt for abortion because they believe they have no other choice. Still other women are coerced, by their partners or their family members. This coercion also takes place by those within the abortion industry, with post-abortive women saying they were manipulated, pressured, and lied to. But some women were physically forced, against their will.

Last year, a woman named Jennifer spoke to the hosts of Created Equal’s podcast, The Debrief, about her experience with forced abortion. She said thought she was getting a prenatal checkup, but things went quickly wrong.

“When I was a kid, I was held down by an abortionist and given an abortion against my will,” she began. “I got pregnant by a teacher of mine in high school, that I had a relationship with for many years.”

After learning she was pregnant through this predatory, abusive situation, Jennifer went to her mother for help. But instead of getting her daughter prenatal care, Jennifer sought an abortionist, and arranged for the abortion to take place. “I was only 16,” she said. “But because that happened to me, I’ve been on the sidewalk [outside abortion facilities] ever since.”

Today, Jennifer is married and has children. And she is still working to save lives of preborn children.

“She would go into abortion clinics with her newborn child and ask for a pregnancy test from this clinic,” Marina, the host, explained. “And then while she was sitting there waiting, she would pass around her newborn to all of the moms in the waiting room. The moms waiting for abortions in these clinics — she said she went to at least 100 of them; she would pass around her newborn child to these moms. And she said at least two women left after she did that.”

It is not unusual for women to be forced into abortions, which can make post-abortion trauma even worse. Organizations like Rachel’s Vineyard and Deeper Still can help these victims find a path towards healing and hope.


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