Human Interest

Couple welcomes first daughter in husband’s family since 1885

A couple in Michigan has welcomed a baby girl — the first daughter in the husband’s family since 1885. Audrey Marie Clark was born on St. Patrick’s Day in 2023.

Ten years ago, when Carolyn Clark began dating her now-husband Andrew, he told her that for generations his family had only welcomed sons. She didn’t think much of it, though, and didn’t fully believe that it was true.

“I’m like, ‘Oh, it’s a 50-50 chance every time. What do you mean?’ He goes, ‘No, legitimately, we have not had a girl in our direct line in over 100 years,'” she told Good Morning America.


The couple already had a son when they suffered a miscarriage in 2021. So when they learned they were pregnant again, they weren’t focused on whether they were having a boy or a girl, just the hope that they wouldn’t experience a second miscarriage.

“When we found out we were pregnant, we honestly didn’t care if we were having a boy or girl at that point,” said Carolyn. “We just were thankful to be pregnant and just praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.”

When the time came to learn the baby’s gender, they decided to do a big gender reveal for their family with cookies that had either blue or pink frosting on the inside. No one, not even the couple, knew if the baby was a boy or a girl, but Andrew expected it to be a boy.

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“We kept it a surprise to ourselves as well,” said Andrew. “So I just assumed it was going to be blue in the center of the cookies and it’d be another boy in the lineage. I was shocked. I think I just stared at the center of that cookie like, it’s really pink. So it was a good suprise for us.”

The now-family of four is thrilled to be home together and the whole family is celebrating the newest baby girl in 138 years.

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