Human Interest

AMAZING: Firefighter reunites with boy he rescued 23 years ago

A recent viral Twitter thread highlights a man who has had a heartwarming reunion with the firefighter who saved his life 23 years ago.

Xavier Dimples was just two years old in 2000 when his home caught fire and he was trapped inside. Dimples says that he would not have survived if Jeff Ohs, a firefighter on the scene, hadn’t entered the building and rescued him.

“When I was 2 years old my house caught on fire & I was trapped inside, I ended up dying that day & this firefighter, Jeff Ohs, saved me from that building& brought me back to life,” shared Dimples in a tweet. “Now 23 years later he is holding my 2 year old son. I literally wouldn’t be here without him.”

Dimples and Ohs recently reconnected. In a touching photo, Ohs can be seen meeting Dimples’ two-year-old son, who is now the same age Dimples was when he was rescued.

Dimples illustrated how dire the situation was in further tweets.

“After I was resuscitated I was in a coma for a month after that.” Dimples wrote on Twitter. He also shared dramatic photos from that day showing Ohs carrying him out of the building and giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Ohs responded to Dimples’ shoutout on Twitter. “Dude!!!! You are a fighter through and through. And honestly you scared the sh*t out of me that day. So so blessed for the outcome. Love you guys.”

When asked, Dimples noted that he has maintained his newfound friendship with Ohs. “That’s my day 1 fr [for real]! I can pull up to his house rn [right now] if I wanted,” he tweeted.

Dimples, who said he himself now has plans to become a firefighter, acknowledged that he has Ohs to thank for his life. “I could never repay [Ohs] for giving me a chance at life, I can only live a great life for him & my son. I owe him my life,” he said.

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