On Friday, June 23, members of Congress and leaders of the pro-life movement gathered on the lawn outside of the United States Capitol to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and to call for federal protection of all preborn children under the provisions of the 14th Amendment.
Speakers included Live Action Founder and President Lila Rose, Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado, Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas, Congressman Bob Good of Virginia, Dr. Alveda King, Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins, legal scholar and Live Action Legislative Strategist Josh Craddock, Texas State Director and Human Coalition’s National Legislative Advisor Chelsey Youman, pro-life OB-GYN Dr. Monique Ruberu, and Christina Bennett, News Correspondent for Live Action.
Lila Rose opened by emphasizing preborn children’s right to equal protection under the 14th Amendment. “Now it is the time to turn our attention as a movement to the new North Star, which is equal protection for all, as our Constitution promises,” she stated. Rose praised the pro-life progress that has been made since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade one year ago, but emphasized that much work remains.
“Abortion is unconstitutional, and it is time for federal and state law to reflect that,” Rose said, adding: “We stand on the precipice of a new era, an era when the darkness of Roe v. Wade has been vanquished by the light of truth and justice.”
Congressman Doug Lamborn, who introduced the Recognizing Life Resolution to the House in early June, praised the work of pro-life activists:
Make no mistake, our success is due to the continual and dedicated efforts of millions of grassroots activists all across the nation … who have given their time to educating the public and speaking up for the voiceless. They have endured threats, intimidation, denigration by the media, by their peers, and have even withstood violence – all for the unborn. I applaud every single person who has fought the good fight.
Congressman Dan Crenshaw emphasized the power of truth to the pro-life cause, and the lack of truth on the pro-abortion side. “The pro-life movement has been successful because it’s been about spreading truth. But more important than that, even, it’s been about spreading love…. And that’s how we will continue to win.”
Congressman Good called upon legislators to pass pro-life protections. “May we in the legislative bodies across the country, match the courage of the Supreme Court, who in the face of unprecedented harassment, threats, and intimidation made the right decision” after the leaking of the Dobbs draft decision. Rejecting gestational age-based abortion restrictions, Good said, “We should unashamedly, unapologetically stand up for all precious life in the womb and protect all of it.”
Kristan Hawkins spoke about the “threat of consensus” – the pressure on the pro-life movement to compromise on complete protection for the preborn. Hawkins stated:
Let’s be honest today about what this word really means for us. Consensus on abortion is telling at-risk moms and beautiful innocent babies that they are not as valuable as the modern idols of convenience and control.… Consensus on abortion is accepting that the modern genocide is here to stay forever in our nation.…
Our history proves that we should never wait on finding consensus to protect the vulnerable and ensure human rights for all human beings….
[T]he next chapter in the pro-life movement cannot start with consensus, but with the demand for equal protection of every human life under the 14th Amendment that has been the pro-life movement’s North Star all along – and reality, it’s been our country’s north star from the very beginning[.]
Dr. Alveda King opened her speech by singing the closing refrain of God Bless America. She then recalled: “My uncle once said, ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they not will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character,’” adding:
For the dream to be realized, we must start by understanding that there is a critical race. … It is the one blood human race from the womb to the tomb and beyond. So I stand with you this morning to wish you a belated Happy Father’s Day and Juneteenth, and to celebrate the incredible favor of God, which has paved the way to finally live in a nation where abortion is no longer the law of the land. May it soon be unthinkable in our land.
Watch the full press conference here.