
‘Safe Abortion Day’? Abortion can’t be ‘safe’ because it intentionally kills a human

On September 28, pro-abortion organizations celebrate ‘Safe Abortion Day’ — a title that’s a misnomer, as abortion cannot ever truly be safe.

According to the World Health Organization, abortion is “health care” and a “human right,” while Doctors Without Borders echoed that claim, and added that half of all unintended pregnancies around the world end in abortion — a heartbreaking, sobering statistic.

And though abortion activists frequently tout the so-called “safety” of abortion, one can only make this claim if one ignores entirely the purposeful act of abortion itself — which, when ‘successful,’ ends at least one human life. But the procedures come with risks for women as well. Women have been injured and have even died as a result of legal abortion, though their names are often forgotten and their stories ignored by the abortion-friendly mainstream media.

Even the so-called ‘safe’ abortion pill regimen is dangerous; studies have shown that six percent of these women ended up in the emergency room with complications; for reference, the complication rate for colonoscopies is just over one percent.

Pro-life groups have spoken out against the notion of Safe Abortion Day.

“International Safe Abortion Day is like a macabre version of a manufactured ‘Hallmark holiday,’ but far from a warm and fuzzy ‘feel good,’ its proponents are urging the celebration of the extermination of preborn infants,” Dr. Brian Clowes, Director of Education and Research at Human Life International, said in an e-mailed statement.

“The World Health Organization purports to promote ‘the fundamental importance of access to safe abortion care for the health’ of women and girls,” he added. “The Oxford Dictionary defines health as ‘the state of being free from illness or injury.’ Pregnancy is neither an illness nor an injury and to pretend that abortion has any positive effect on a woman’s health is not just disingenuous but downright deceitful. Labeling any abortion as ‘safe’ is oxymoronic – the abortionist’s job is to kill one of those in his care. This is an extremist campaign equivalent to promoting National Beat Your Children Day.”

Paulina Mendoza, a Mexican pro-life activist, said women need help — not abortion. “We are aware of the circumstances of poverty, violence, abandonment, and confusion that women with a vulnerable pregnancy experience,” she said in an e-mailed press release. “We demand that all government authorities address these problems at their roots. We believe that, without violent actions, it is possible to fight for true development and better conditions for all women and their families.”

Spokesperson for the Collective of Free and Sovereign Women, Pilar Vázquez Calva, further added that not all women support abortion. “From our collective we give a voice to women who do not agree with the discourse that reduces all women’s problems, to abortion. We declare that abortion is violence against women. It is violence because, it means the abandonment of pregnant women in distress by her partner, her family, the government and society in general,” she said. “We women from Mexico and the American region tell radical feminist groups, not to speak for everyone. Not all of us think that abortion is the solution, not all of us agree with the violent demonstrations displayed by these groups. Latin American women want true solutions to the problems that afflict us and not an agenda reduced to a single issue.”

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