(Pregnancy Help News) Students for Life of America (SFLA) discovered numerous Christian or Christian-affiliated universities promoting abortion and maintaining ties with Planned Parenthood.
The pro-life group, with its Demetree Institute, released a report last fall with 11 Christian schools having ties to the nation’s largest abortion provider, and Campus Reform likewise followed up, discovering many more. SFLA had previously gathered evidence of more than 100 Christian colleges and universities in relationships with Planned Parenthood. SFLA has been monitoring Christian schools nationwide since 2019 for potential abortion ties.
In the latest SFLA report some schools were offering internships through Planned Parenthood, promoting literature opposing fetal heartbeat legislation or lists Planned Parenthood as a resource for women. Specifically, the universities maintaining a connection to Planned Parenthood were doing so in ways listed below:
– Planned Parenthood is listed as an active internship opportunity for which students may receive credit
– Planned Parenthood is listed as a student resource
– Planned Parenthood events are advertised on campus or on the website
– Planned Parenthood is listed as a volunteer opportunity
– Planned Parenthood has partnered with the university on at least 1 event in the past year
– Planned Parenthood is listed as a future career opportunity.
Most of the larger group of schools in the earlier report listed Planned Parenthood as a “student resource” or “internship opportunity.” Most of these schools were Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Methodist. A few of these schools are Virginia Wesleyan University which listed Planned Parenthood as a “community partner,” and [is] United Methodist-affiliated. The College of St. Rose, Catholic-affiliated, lists Planned Parenthood as an internship option [in a] “ways to serve guide,” and promotes Planned Parenthood as a medical resource on their Neil Hellman Library Health and Wellness page.
The St. Rose librarian stated, “We support freedom of choice in reproductive health care for our students.’ A college spokesman later clarified that the university ‘does not have an official position on this topic.’”
According to SFLA, they reduced the number of universities maintaining connections with Planned Parenthood. One in three schools cut ties with Planned Parenthood once SFLA reached out to the universities through their Christian Schools Project.
One of the aspects of their efforts is to emphasize the following: “Christian schools should be working to promote life, support their pregnant students with non-violent resources, and combat the culture of death.”
Since 2019, SFLA has researched at their Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement and was able to rate 784 Christian schools all around the country based on any connection to the abortion giant.
SFLA continues to work to positively impact campuses and communities across the U.S., furthering the mission to protect the sanctity of life, an ever more crucial effort with the abortion lobby’s continuous efforts to protect and promote abortion, especially targeting young people. Meanwhile, pro-lifers await the next Christian college campus report.
Editor’s Note: This article was published at Pregnancy Help News and is reprinted here with permission.