In less than one week, Ohio voters will decide whether or not to codify abortion into their state constitution when they vote on Issue 1. Live Action has launched a cutting-edge political advertisement campaign encouraging Ohioans to vote no, with ads that will take air through strategic digital placement and connected TV until election day on November 7th.
Two ads were created (one 30 seconds and one 60 seconds in length), both parodying the idea of pro-abortion men claiming to be fighting for women’s rights. These ads are based on some of Live Action’s previously released satire videos.
“It’s her body and it’s her choice… so don’t be asking me for anything,” the first man says in the ad, sporting a t-shirt that read, “Pregnant women aren’t women.” Another man, wearing a “her body, her problem” shirt, added, “If I get a girl pregnant and then abandon her, I don’t want to leave her alone with the kid, especially if she might chase me down for child support.”
A third man, with a shirt emblazoned with the phrase “NOT dad material,” echoed a similar statement. “I deserve not to be shackled by kids to a woman my age, so when she gets older I can upgrade to a younger model.”
Lila Rose, Live Action founder and president, said enshrining abortion into the Ohio constitution will put more women at risk of coercion, and serves only to empower the abortion industry.
“Ohio voters will soon make a decision of whether to add expansive language to their state constitution that will target preborn children for death and leave women in dangerous and vulnerable situations to be pressured and coerced into abortions,” she said in a media release. “If passed, Issue 1 in Ohio will open the floodgates to abortion up until the moment of birth, and strip the rights of parents to know if their minor child is at risk of being coerced into a dangerous abortion procedure.”
She added:
Issue 1 is really empowering a brutal abortion industry and as Live Action’s campaign shows, irresponsible jerks who use women for sex and then pressure them to end the lives of their own children. We will reach hundreds of thousands of voters to show them through the power of hard-hitting satire that the abortion lobby doesn’t care about their well-being; they are merely making it easier for women to be coerced into a horrific decision that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
In September, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the phrase “unborn child” can remain in the ballot language; previously, the ballot used the term “fetus.” The change was criticized by abortion groups. “We do not think that it is fair or accurate,” Co-chair of Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights Lauren Blauvelt said. “It is a deception for voters. It is propaganda.”
Polling found that the change in phrasing makes a large difference; 68% of voters approved of the amendment with the original language. Yet with the updated language, support dropped 16 points, to 52%.
“Recently released data illustrates the pervasive nature of abortion coercion. A total of 67% of women described their abortions as either ‘accepted but inconsistent with their values and preferences’ (43%) or ‘unwanted or coerced’ (24%),” Rose concluded. “I call on Ohio voters to reject Issue 1, to save the lives of the youngest children of Ohio, to truly empower women with life-affirming care instead, and to stop abortion coercion.”
Viewers can watch more Live Action parody/comedy videos here.