
Groups spend big in abortion fight ahead of Virginia election


Both pro-abortion and pro-life groups have announced they are spending big in their respective Virginian campaigns ahead of the state’s legislative elections slated to take place next week.

All 140 seats of Virginia’s House and Senate are up for election this year, which means the state’s current abortion law, which allows abortions through the third trimester (in other words, up to birth) if three doctors approve it, is in the crosshairs.

Earlier this year, lawmakers failed to pass a measure that would protect preborn children from abortion after 15 weeks; if Republicans gain control of the Assembly during this election, some suspect they will try once again to pass these protections. Pro-abortion forces like the ACLU are using this “threat” to campaign against Republicans – even though a 15-week abortion limit is likely to have a negligible impact on the number of abortions committed in the state (as most abortions are committed prior to this gestation), and thousands of preborn children will still be allowed to die from legal abortion. 

In an effort to insinuate that abortion in the state is under attack, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia has announced that it plans to spend $1 million toward pro-abortion messaging in advance of the election. According to ABC 13, the ACLU’s money will be used for direct mailers, digital ads, and volunteer outreach to highlight the abortion stance of candidates in five Senate districts and six House districts.

“We’ve never proceeded with this kind of investment and focusing on these races in this way. And we think it’s really critical because what happens this year determines whether abortion and reproductive rights will be safe for Virginians. And not only Virginians, but people from all over the South who are traveling to Virginia to access care,” Mary Bauer, the group’s executive director, said.

Pro-life groups are also pumping funds into the state’s legislative fight. Last week, Women Speak Out Virginia, a partner of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, announced it will spend $1.5 million in support of Republican candidates. 

“Hundreds of lives each year depend on pro-life Virginians showing up on Nov. 7 and casting their ballots for Republican candidates,” SBA President Marjorie Dannenfelser said. “Candidates across this country should take note of how Republicans in Virginia are leading on life by going on offense, calling out the lies of the abortion lobby, and exposing their opponents as the true extremists when it comes to abortion.”

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