Guest Column

Doctors pressured her to abort because of her autoimmune disease. I’m so glad she chose life.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author.

A very young, vibrant student with many dreams and ambitions for her newly married life one day found all her dreams, ambitions and hard work coming to an abrupt halt.

At the age of 20, she was diagnosed with a very progressive stage of multiple sclerosis (MS). This disease was so progressive that she would have no feeling in her limbs, and had started to walk with a limp.

After doctors did testing of her newly diagnosed autoimmune disease, they soon found that she was also pregnant.

This of course presented many obstacles and problems for her, as a young woman with increasing health issues. Physicians and specialists needed much more testing to be done and pleaded with her to terminate the pregnancy for “her own good.” Due to the uncertainties of her specific condition, they were concerned that if she indeed carried to term, she would lose the baby and most likely die during childbirth.

The doctors told her, “You can always get pregnant later.”

Instead, this young woman chose life for her child over her own and said she would not have the abortion.

The specialists did additional testing on her MS, and said that the testing might render abnormalities in the baby’s fetal development, or might even cause the long term effects of physical or mental disabilities in her unborn child.

They again requested that she have an abortion, saying, “You won’t be able to care for a disabled child when YOU will be disabled yourself.”

But this brave and courageous young woman made the selfless action to keep her baby regardless of the outcome.

Today, 32 years later, I am here to say that I was that unborn child. I was born a healthy baby girl.

Brytnee Acuña

I am forever grateful to my own mother who chose life for me in her own frightening circumstances.

My mother gave me life, and now I want to share my story to make it clear that I am and have always been a living being with personhood. My life, however, was once in someone else’s hands.

As an unborn child, I had no voice and had no choices despite my own right to life. I am blessed to be here and to be alive.

Editor’s Note: You can find the author, Brytnee Acuña, on Instagram and Facebook.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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