Second gentleman Doug Emhoff sat down for an interview this week with NBC News, detailing how he wants men to be more active in advocating for abortion and saying that the killing of preborn children in the womb is a “family issue.”
Emhoff, who spoke in Atlanta on Tuesday as part of a panel by the pro-choice group Men4Choice, positioned abortion as a “right that has been ripped from the people of this country.”
“This is an issue of fairness to women. Women are dying,” Emhoff claimed. “It’s affecting men’s ability to plan their lives. And it’s also an issue of what’s next, what other freedoms are at risk. And these freedoms are affecting all Americans, not just women.”
Is abortion “fair”?
It is striking that Emhoff paints the ability to kill one’s children as an issue of “fairness.” Nothing is “fair” about denying an innocent human being his or her most basic right: life. And as the old axiom suggests, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The power to create new human life requires responsibility — if responsibility is not taken before that life is created, it must be taken after. Abortion does not erase that responsibility; instead, it makes a person responsible for another human being’s death.
Are women dying without abortion?
And though Emhoff makes the bold and unsubstantiated claim that “women are dying,” there is no evidence that women are dying because of laws protecting their children from abortion. Likewise, his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris, said in 2021 that “women will die” if abortion is not legal and available.
Those seeking to legalize abortion prior to Roe v. Wade also made this false claim and later admitted it was pure propaganda — and even the polls alleging broad public support for abortion, presented to the media prior to Roe, were fabricated.
Today, while the media and politicians complain about the existence of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers, women are being routinely injured at abortion businesses around the country while the media remains silent about these injuries and failed health inspections. Women have also died at the hands of abortionists during legal abortion procedures, including Cree Erwin-Sheppard, Keisha Atkins, Holly Patterson, Laura Hope Smith, Marla Cardamone, and Christin Gilbert.
Is the ability to kill children in the womb the definition of ‘freedom’?
Emhoff also uses euphemisms like ‘rights,’ ‘freedom,’ and ‘medical healthcare’ to mask what abortion truly is: the brutal murder of an innocent preborn human being. Abortion kills the child who is growing in his mother’s womb through starvation of vital nutrients, dismemberment, or poison. It is a horrific process that ends a life. Former abortionists explain the most common procedures in the video below:
Emhoff calls laws protecting preborn children a “medical healthcare crisis,” saying, “millions of Americans are suffering.” He believes that more men should get involved in advocating for the killing of preborn children. He also claimed that the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade threatens other freedoms, despite the fact that homicide in any other case is not considered a “freedom” in civilized society. “What are we coming after next?” he asked. “So, is it contraception? Is it [the] right to marry who you want to marry, love who you want to love? Read what you want to read?”
Are pro-choice men seeking to prevent damage, or are they seeking damage control?
“I’m talking about this with my other dad friends,” Emhoff said. “I’m talking about it with my son. And it’s not just because I also have a daughter. I have a son and we talk about it, about how this is going to impact him and how he’s going to start a family or not.”
What Emhoff describes as “freedom” is indeed what the pro-choice man wants – freedom from the responsibility of caring for the woman and the child they created together. Perhaps in talking to our sons, we might instill in them a sense of responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions in order to mitigate risks, instead of encouraging them to live haphazardly and without self control. Perhaps we might teach our sons that respect for women includes respect for them as whole persons and for the sexual act itself, which is powerful enough to result in the creation of a new life — and that’s why there is nothing “casual” about sex.
Self control is strength, and exercising it in all areas of life, including one’s intimate relationships, will likely mitigate any “impact” of a law protecting innocent preborn children from destruction. While men attempt to “plan their lives,” as Emhoff stated, exercising sexual self control seems to be a wise choice.
The pro-choice man believes sex can and should be separated from commitment, marriage, or parenthood. And this is the problem; abortion is the result of men’s and women’s Emhoff’s arguments that men should fight for abortion echoes many of the sentiments in Live Action’s satire video, “Pro Choice Men.”
There is no need for men to stand up for abortion — far too many are already responsible for coercing their female partners into killing their own preborn children. Instead, real men need to stand up and fight to protect the most innocent and weakest among us — the preborn children they help to create.