
Killing preborn children isn’t compassionate or right. Let’s champion real support.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren appeared on CNN this week, and was asked to give her thoughts regarding what she feels is Vice President Kamala Harris’ biggest accomplishment. In response, Warren stated:

Oh I have to say, since the Dobbs opinion, the way that she has rallied women and friends of women — also called men — around this country on the issue of abortion, and just, taking it home.

First vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic. Go get ’em!

You know, she’s someone who talks openly about things that were kind of challenging for some people to talk about…

When the enthusiastic CNN interviewer remarked that President Biden never really uses the term “abortion” in speeches, Warren responded:

Vice President Harris has [said the word ‘abortion’] and she’s talked about it both with compassion but also with a sense of what is right.

How can we be a country that half of America lost rights because of an extremist Supreme Court put in place by Donald Trump?

Harris was the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion business, as Warren claimed. She made a speech at Planned Parenthood in St. Paul, Minnesota, in March of this year, where she said she was there to “uplift the work that is happening… as an example of what true leadership looks like,” calling the environment in an abortion business one where women are “treated… with dignity and respect.”

She also claimed, “I’ve heard stories of and met with women who’ve had miscarriages and women who were being denied emergency care because the health care providers there at an emergency room were afraid that, because of the laws in their state, that they could be criminalized, sent to prison for providing health care.”

However, as Live Action News has previously noted, even Planned Parenthood itself knows that miscarriage care is legal and available; the corporation is still offering it in states that protect preborn children from abortion.

Live Action News has also noted that, despite the Biden administration’s claims:

[I]nduced abortion is not the standard of care for pregnancy emergencies. Not PPROM, not preeclampsia, not placenta accreta, not placenta percreta, not placenta increta, not placenta previa, and so on (see more information at links provided). While some of these conditions may warrant early delivery of the baby, this is not remotely the same as intentionally killing the preborn child. Nowhere is induced abortion listed as a treatment for any of these conditions.

Therefore, if induced abortion is not the standard of care for pregnancy complications or conditions, then why wouldn’t a medical provider provide whatever is the standard of care for such conditions?


Abortion isn’t compassionate

Until one sees what abortion does to a vulnerable preborn human being, it is easy to ignore that human being altogether.

Pregnant women in crisis absolutely deserve compassionate help and support, but we cannot ignore the very nature of abortion: killing. Abortion may be labeled as “health care,” but it directly and intentionally kills a developing human being in the womb, and usually for reasons unrelated to health, or diagnosis, or emergency. Surely there is a better way to treat women with dignity and respect than by killing their preborn children. We can and should respect both lives. Killing other human beings is not a legitimate “right” to be gained or lost.

The only way abortion can be called “health care” with a straight face is 1) to assume that pregnancy is a “problem” for a woman, and a “procedure” will “solve” that problem, and 2) to ignore the fact that this “procedure” intentionally ends the life of an already-existing human being who has no ability to protest his own death sentence.

Baby Angel was found in a medical waste bin. Experts believe he was possibly exsanguinated and dismembered alive.

The arm of a baby killed by a D&C abortion. Photo courtesy of

Justice for the Five

Baby Harriet was found in a medical waste bin outside a DC abortion facility. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

Let’s support facilities that help women who choose life

Sen. Warren has expressed very different feelings toward pregnancy centers than she has toward abortion businesses. In 2022, Warren introduced legislation labeling pro-life pregnancy resource centers as “fake” and said, “We need to shut them down all around the country.”

“In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by three to one,” she told NBC 10 Boston. “We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts and we need to shut them down all around the country.”

But Clearway Clinic, a pro-life pregnancy center in Warren’s home state of Massachusetts, is licensed by the state as a women’s health clinic and it has two centers with six state-licensed nurses and four state-licensed physicians between them. Despite this, Clearway Clinic came up against two proposed anti-PRC ordinances in 2022 — and Warren claims such centers “mislead and deceive patients seeking abortion care” despite the state licensing.

A new ad campaign in Massachusetts is attacking PRCs and “warning” the public not to visit them. This seems odd — inexplicable, really — that state government officials would license these “fake” facilities and then claim they “mislead and deceive” women and need to be shut down.

Similar attacks against PRCs are being waged from all corners of the political sphere, turning a blind eye to the abuses of the abortion industry.

PRCs provide a wide range of services to women, free of charge. Depending on the center, women can receive free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, baby clothes, maternity clothes, housing, parenting classes, medical care, and connections to resources such as health care, child care, and further education. These pregnancy centers provided “$367.9 million worth of services and material goods to more than 16 million clients in 2022,” according to a Live Action News article detailing a recently released report on PRCs. They provide vital services in their communities.

Though Warren once claimed that PRCs “torture” those who are pregnant, the truth is that PRCs show true compassion to women, men, and their babies. We should all be cheering for them instead of legitimizing the actual torture of suction, dismemberment, and lethal injection upon the most vulnerable humans in the womb.

Editor’s Note, 7/25/24: This article has been updated since its original publication.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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