Human Interest

France offers breastfeeding-friendly accommodations to Olympic moms

French breastfeeding moms who are currently competing in the Olympics have hotel rooms specifically designed to accommodate them and their babies, thanks to the advocacy work of several of the nation’s athletes, including judo star Clarisse Agbegnenou.

In the past, children were prohibited from Athletes’ Village — which traditionally housed athletes and their coaches — even if those children were nursing babies. Now, breastfeeding Olympic moms will be housed in a 10,000 square foot hotel nearby, allowing them to room-in with their young children.


Agbegnenou shared her inspiration to advocate for the rooms with La Leche League. “To put things in perspective, I’ve decided to breastfeed my daughter until she’s weaned. She hasn’t yet, so I’m following her. I’ve made sure that I feel good physically, because of course there’s an element of tiredness. But as a mother who needs to be very present for my daughter, I asked for the opportunity to have her with me during the Olympics,” she said.

The accommodations are being provided by the French Olympic Committee. Though the rooms are currently only for French athletes, Astrid Guyart, the French Olympic Committee secretary general, said she hopes it’s a concept that catches on. “It’s unprecedented and it’s something we want to become permanent, so that’s not a one-off because it’s the Olympics in Paris,” she said.

Athletes of all nationalities will also be able to utilize the new Athletes Village nursery, which allows moms to spend time with their children during the games. The nursery will have spaces for breastfeeding, a family lounge, and a changing station.

“Pregnancy and motherhood are a natural path in life, and it doesn’t have to mean a career end for female athletes. It is very helpful for both parents and infants to be able to spend time together, especially at such an important moment in an athlete’s sporting life,” said IOC AC Chair Emma Terho. “This nursery allows that to happen, while also giving athletes the opportunity to focus on the Games.”

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