Guest Column

I chose life despite a teen pregnancy, and achieved my dreams of career and family

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author. Live Action News has made minor edits for clarity. The author’s name has been changed to protect privacy.

At 16, when faced with a positive pregnancy test result, my choice to embrace motherhood was pivotal. Now, as I reflect on my journey at age 29, with a master’s degree and a thriving private practice in psychotherapy, I recognize that this choice was not only transformative but also profoundly shaped the trajectory of my life.

My decision to have my three children and not pursue an abortion has been the best choice of my life, fostering a journey of personal growth, professional achievement, and deep familial fulfillment.

A teen pregnancy revealed the need for a supportive community

When I first learned I was pregnant, I was just 16 and had been with my boyfriend for only a few months. The news was met with shock and dismay from many people, especially from our parents, who were understandably concerned. The weight of their disappointment was heavy, and voices around us urged me to consider an abortion, believing that having a baby at such a young age would inevitably derail my future.

Despite the pressure and negativity, I chose a different path. I decided to embrace the challenge and focus on the positive aspects of this new chapter. The journey was far from easy, but my determination to prove that I could balance motherhood with my academic goals drove me forward.

I informed my school about my situation, and they were supportive, making accommodations that allowed me to attend classes from home. This support was crucial, enabling me to stay engaged with my education while preparing for the arrival of my baby.

Although I felt isolated and faced judgment from others, I remained steadfast in my commitment to my studies and the life I was nurturing.

Pregnancy brought a wave of isolation and sadness. I lost touch with many of my friends, and the disapproving looks and harsh comments from people around me were difficult to endure. The negativity was relentless, with many suggesting that I was making a colossal mistake and questioning my character and capabilities.

However, amidst the challenges, I focused on what truly mattered: the incredible gift of life that I was creating and the future I wanted to build for my child and myself. My dedication to my schoolwork remained unwavering, and I found solace and strength in the new role I was embracing.

When the time came, I gave birth and continued to push forward with my education. I graduated high school on time with honors, a testament to my resilience and determination. Each achievement was a milestone that reinforced my belief in my ability to overcome obstacles and succeed despite the odds.

After graduating high school, my journey took me to a private college in the city where I lived. Balancing the demands of higher education while raising my child, working, and managing all the responsibilities of daily life was no small feat, but it was a challenge I embraced wholeheartedly. Despite the challenges, I found strength in my child’s presence. Each smile, each milestone, and the pure joy of being a parent was a constant reminder of why I was pursuing my goals with such dedication. The small victories we celebrated together were sources of immense satisfaction and motivation.

Each milestone “felt like a victory”

Having our second child at just 23 while managing the demands of graduate school and working full-time was an extraordinary challenge, but it was also a testament to our commitment and resilience. Our decision to start a family young, coupled with the pursuit of my master’s degree, created a whirlwind of responsibilities and opportunities for growth. Despite the challenges, there were moments of profound joy and fulfillment. Each milestone—whether it was a breakthrough in my studies, a positive work review, or a new achievement by one of our children—felt like a victory. The support my husband and I gave each other, the dedication to our goals, and the love we had for our children made every sacrifice worthwhile.

By the time we welcomed our third child, at 28, we had navigated a remarkable journey filled with hard work, dedication, and unwavering support from and for each other. Balancing the demands of parenthood, multiple jobs, and my pursuit of a graduate degree had tested us in many ways, but our commitment to our family and our dreams kept us focused and resilient.

Having our third child was a joyful milestone. Our home is now bustling with the energy of three children, and our responsibilities had grown even more complex. Despite the challenges, we embraced this new chapter with the same determination that had carried us through previous years.

By this time, we had worked diligently to build a stable foundation for our family. We had achieved the dream of owning our own house, a symbol of our hard work and stability. Each room in that house is filled with the echoes of our journey—the laughter of our children, the quiet moments of reflection, and the fruits of our labor.

In my professional life, I have established a private psychotherapy practice. The transition from juggling multiple jobs to building a practice from the ground up was a significant step, but it was one I approached with passion and dedication. Balancing the demands of running a practice with raising three children requires a careful equilibrium, but the rewards are  immense. I found fulfillment in helping others navigate their own challenges while simultaneously managing my own family life.

“Our greatest accomplishment” 

There were many times along the way when we juggled multiple jobs and made significant sacrifices. Each step of the way, we reminded ourselves of what truly mattered: our family. We celebrated the small victories and milestones, knowing that our hard work was creating a nurturing environment for our children and a solid foundation for our future.

Our journey was never easy, but it was deeply enriching. The struggles we faced only strengthened our bond as a couple and as a family. We learned the value of perseverance, the importance of staying grounded, and the joy of watching our children grow up in a home filled with love and stability.

Throughout my journey, my mom was an indispensable source of support and encouragement. Her presence was a beacon of unwavering strength and compassion, demonstrating firsthand the profound impact a parent can have on their child’s life.

Now, as we reflect on our achievements and look to the future, we are proud of the path we’ve paved. Our family is our greatest accomplishment, and every challenge we overcame has only made us more appreciative of the life we’ve built together.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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