
‘Live Action Victory’ launched to advocate for preborn children in 2024 elections

On October 10, Live Action Victory, a 501c4, launched as a sister organization to Live Action, to advocate for the lives of preborn children in elections. (Live Action is a 501c3 and is legally limited in the area of political advocacy.) According to a press release from the organization, “Live Action Victory exists to fight for the most vulnerable—preborn children—by achieving political victories through telling the truth about abortion and exposing the agenda of the radical pro-abortion lobby. We will show the beauty of human life and the horrific reality of abortion to inspire voters to protect life.” 

The press release also notes that the 501c4’s focus in 2024 will be on “defeating Amendment 4 in Florida and Amendment 3 in Missouri, both of which would legalize and expand the human rights abuse of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.” The release adds: 

These amendments would allow abortions well past the point of so-called “viability” when babies are capable of surviving outside the womb. Despite this, they aim to legalize killing fully developed children who could be born and live at that moment.

Additionally, the abortion industry claims that women will be denied care without these laws are deliberate lies.

In reality, life-saving treatments for women are already legally available in every state, including Florida and Missouri, and are not classified as induced abortions. These amendments are about expanding the most violent and inhumane abortion on children—not protecting women’s health.

The Amendments

As reported by Live Action News, Amendment 4 in Florida would…

enshrine abortion as a ‘right’ in Florida’s constitution by adding the language: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s health care provider” (emphasis added).

Because of this broad definition and allowance of abortion for any determined “health” reason, abortion would be legal throughout pregnancy….

The coalition Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4, a group of over 300 physicians in the state, warns that “health” is subjectively determined in the law, and can even be decided upon by the abortionist who stands to financially profit from committing the abortion.

One of the group’s founding members, Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, previously stated that “Amendment 4 was written in order to basically invalidate every regulation around abortion, including commonsense health and safety regulations that protect mothers — either women or girls — when they go to access an abortion,” adding that the Amendment “would invalidate parental consent laws in Florida for minor girls” and “open up elective abortion until viability and then after viability for any reason of maternal health — which basically can be manipulated so that elective abortion can be had throughout 40 weeks of pregnancy.”


Missouri’s Amendment 3 has caused confusion due to various ballot language changes. Most recently, Cole County Circuit Judge Cotton Walker even rewrote the language of that state’s “Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative,” at the urging of the pro-abortion ACLU, to include euphemistic language that masks the truth about abortion and about what the ballot amendment would do. The language also groups together contraception and even prenatal and miscarriage care with abortion (the intentional and direct killing of a preborn child) as “reproductive healthcare” and would, through broad language loopholes, essentially allow abortion up to birth. The ballot language is also likely to undo the state’s current restrictions on Medicaid and private insurance funding for certain abortions.

While the full text of the Amendment can be found here (which is much more extensive than what is on the ballot), the ballot language itself reads, according to the Missouri Secretary of State’s website

“yes” vote establishes a constitutional right to make decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion and contraceptives, with any governmental interference of that right presumed invalid; removes Missouri’s ban on abortion; allows regulation of reproductive health care to improve or maintain the health of the patient; requires the government not to discriminate, in government programs, funding, and other activities, against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care; and allows abortion to be restricted or banned after Fetal Viability except to protect the life or health of the woman.

“no” vote will continue the statutory prohibition of abortion in Missouri.

If passed, this measure may reduce local taxes while the impact to state taxes is unknown.

Buried in the full text of the amendment itself is the statement, “No person shall be penalized, prosecuted, or otherwise subjected to adverse action based on their actual, potential, perceived, or alleged pregnancy outcomes, including but not limited to miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion.” Live Action News has previously noted that legal experts believe this broad “pregnancy outcomes” language opens to the door to potentially allow infanticide.

According to the Thomas More Society, the Amendment 3 would, under the very broad language of “reproductive health care,”  “repeal essentially all of Missouri’s state statutes and constitutional provisions regulating reproductive care and technologies, including all existing regulation of abortion, cloning, IVF for stem cell research, gender transition surgery, and genital mutilation.”


The Plan

The goal, according to Lila Rose, President of Live Action Victory, is to “expose the mass misinformation campaign” surrounding the Florida and Missouri amendments, and to “engage in the media battle to show the devastating reality of what Amendment 3 and Amendment 4 will do,” which is to “legalize the killing of preborn children at any gestational age without limits.”

She added, “Lives are on the line in Florida and Missouri like never before in state history. We implore every voter in Florida and Missouri to join the movement to expose the abortion extremism of these amendments and rally their fellow citizens in voting NO.”

Rose noted that “According to all polling, the people of Florida and Missouri do not want abortion on demand without restriction to become the law of the land,” but “abortionists and their collaborators are pouring tens of millions of dollars into propaganda to try to mislead voters and conceal the fact that these amendments would legalize abortions on babies through all nine months of pregnancy….  The only way these amendments succeed is through intentional deception by extremist abortion advocates who are flooding Florida and Missouri media markets with unprecedented amounts of cash to promote their unpopular agenda.”

Recent media reports have indicated that those funding pro-abortion ballot measures — including groups like the Sixteen Thirty Fund, The Fairness Project and Advocacy Action Fund, and the Open Society Action Fund (George Soros), as well as funders like Michael Bloomberg — have already outspent pro-life opponents by an 8 to 1 margin.

Noah Brandt, Executive Director of Live Action Victory, said the pro-life 501c4 has begun “reaching key demographics” in Florida and Missouri “with a six-figure ad buy to show voters what these extreme amendments would permit, straight from the mouth of a former abortionist.” Brandt notes that “when voters are given information on what an abortion is and how it brutally kills a child, they reject it,” and that “the large majority of Florida and Missouri voters oppose abortion without restriction, yet unrestricted abortion on demand is exactly what these amendments would enshrine. We are focused on reaching as many voters as possible with our message to defeat the child murder agenda.”

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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