Actor Bryan Cranston recently appeared at a so-called “Reproductive Rights” rally where he shared his support for pro-abortion laws, citing his daughter as the reason why.
“I‘m not a politician; I’m not a doctor or a lawyer, but I have played all of this on television,” he said. “But I am a father of a daughter, and it’s important to me for her life now and for the future and for other fathers’ daughters to be able to have within their lifetime the fundamental right of freedom of choice. There should not be anyone but them deciding what happens to their own body. That’s why I’m enthusiastically supporting Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz.”
The idea that everyone should have the “freedom” to make their own “choice” is a classic pro-abortion line, but the truth of the matter is, if that person’s choice negatively impacts another human being — especially in the case of causing that human’s death (in this case, via abortion) — then it is not a choice that should be legally available.
Even Cranston’s narcissistic sociopath drug-kingpin character ‘Walter White’ of ‘Breaking Bad’ spoke of his preborn daughter on the show as being fully human, and became upset when his wife was caught smoking during pregnancy. Even viewers of the show considered the pregnant character “Skyler” a “villain” for “sneaking off to smoke while being pregnant, then again nearby her newborn baby,” saying, “That’s just too far. To her defense, she claims to have only smoked 3.5 cigarettes when she was pregnant before feeling ashamed.”
If smoking is ‘villainous’ behavior during pregnancy because it can be harmful to the preborn child, how is killing that same child through poisoning or dismemberment not only not villainous, but celebrated?
Yet, Cranston goes so far as to advocate for the abortions of his own future grandchildren.
With some critical thinking, Cranston might realize that essentially every law in the United States determines what people can or cannot do with their bodies or their property.
Americans value freedom, and most would argue that human beings should be free to make their own decisions about their own lives. But the act of induced abortion — which directly and intentionally kills an innocent person — ignores the freedom to live for those living in the womb. The freedom to live belongs to every human being by virtue of being human to live out their own lives.
True freedom for one person cannot deprive another person of his or her right to not be unjustly killed.
Preborn children are human beings. At three weeks post-fertilization, they have beating hearts that are actively pumping blood. They have their own unique DNA and are in the earliest, most vulnerable stages of life. It is because they are so innocent and vulnerable that they have been so easily targeted for death by abortion, but it is also the very reason why they should be protected.