Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who represents San Francisco and has twice served as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is known for being an outspoken supporter of abortion while also claiming to hold to “devout” Catholic faith. This dichotomy came to a head in 2022, when Pelosi was banned from receiving communion by Salvatore Cordileone, the Archbishop of San Francisco. In a revealing recent interview, Pelosi appeared to remain defiant despite her stances in opposition to the Catholic Church.
Pelosi discussed numerous issues with the National Catholic Reporter (NCR), including her support for abortion. Though she has repeatedly claimed to have a “devout faith,” she has also insisted on supporting pro-abortion legislation. Pelosi publicly defended the decision to not include the Hyde Amendment, a pro-life rider than has prevented federal taxpayers from funding most abortions, in President Joe Biden’s proposed budget in 2021, saying that forcing taxpayers to fund abortion had been one of her longtime goals. She has also stated her belief that desiring to make society pro-life is “sinful” and an “injustice” to women.
When Archbishop Cordileone warned Pelosi to either stop advocating for abortion or stop mentioning her Catholic faith in tandem with abortion, Pelosi refused, and was banned by Cordileone from receiving communion.
Pelosi didn’t seem to care, telling NCR, “I received Communion anyway. That’s his problem, not mine,” she said. “My Catholic faith is, Christ is my savior. It has nothing to do with the bishops.”
She also said that while being banned from receiving communion took an emotional toll on her, she continues to rely on her Catholic faith — yet seemed to miss the contradictory nature of her purported beliefs. “My faith is always with me. I always feel there’s an angel on my shoulder,” she said, adding that she believes in the “divine spark within every individual” — which is a well-known Gnostic belief.
“That spark of divinity is what I respect in every person, especially if they respect it in themselves,” she said.
Yet if she indeed believes in such a “spark of divinity… in every person,” she fails to recognize it in humans who exist in the womb, considering how fiercely she fights for the “right” for some of them to be killed. Preborn children are human beings, which is a scientific fact; the Catechism of the Catholic Church has always held that all human beings, from conception to natural death, deserve to be protected and treated with dignity.
Pelosi has unfortunately abandoned the Church’s teachings, which is why she was banned from communion. While she may try to blame “the problem” on someone else or deny her own responsibility in the issue, the problem ultimately is her own.
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