
DEFUND Planned Parenthood: Why are we paying for the defrauding of women?

When women considering abortion visit Planned Parenthood, they cannot rely on the abortion corporation to give them accurate information. Time and time again, the country’s largest abortion chain has lied to women about the development or humanity of the babies being killed, when women had a right to know this information before making a life-ending decision.

In short, Planned Parenthood is defrauding its abortion clients by withholding information that is pertinent and relevant to their decision about the procedure, and then selling them a procedure that robs them of their preborn children. Many women have discovered this after it was too late.

Women will not be harmed if Planned Parenthood is defunded; the abortion corporation serves just two percent (2%) of all women of reproductive age in the United States, and its facilities are outnumbered 25 to 1 by Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), which can give low-income women the health care they and their children need — without killing their preborn children. Women deserve to know the truth, which is something they rarely, if ever, receive about their preborn babies from Planned Parenthood. Withholding the truth from them in order to sell abortions is harmful.

READ: Planned Parenthood sues to overturn law that allows whistleblowers to report fraud

A Live Action undercover investigation revealed that when a woman who was 10 weeks pregnant visited a Planned Parenthood facility in Indianapolis, Indiana, a staffer gave a series of inaccurate answers to questions about both the abortion procedure and the development of the woman’s preborn child. The staffer, “Sarah,” began by saying the woman would need to undergo a suction aspiration abortion procedure. “It’s just where they dilate your cervix and then use a vacuum aspiration procedure to remove the contents of the uterus,” she said.

This is a true assertion, though intentionally vague in that the worker does not elaborate upon the “contents of the uterus,” which include a preborn child. A woman’s cervix is dilated during the procedure, though Sarah neglected to say how (by inserting rods inside the cervix), and the vacuum “aspiration procedure” involves using a powerful suction catheter, approximately 10 to 20 times stronger than a household vacuum, to remove the preborn baby’s body and other pregnancy tissue from the uterus. The procedure is completed after the abortionist uses a curette to scrape the walls of the woman’s uterus to ensure nothing is left behind.

For years, Planned Parenthood has been describing abortion in euphemistic, vague terms, as the video below shows:

In Live Action’s undercover investigation, the misinformation from Planned Parenthood kicked into overdrive once prenatal development was discussed. “‘Fetus’ is what it’s termed when it’s in the uterus,” Sarah said, adding that the fetus is “not like a person.”


However, at 10 weeks gestation, the preborn child is recognizable as a tiny human being. Below is a photo, shared to Reddit, of a 10-week baby whose life was ended by the abortion pill. To deny that a preborn child is not “like a person” is to blatantly ignore the truth. The preborn child is not a blob of tissue; most of the major organ systems have formed by 10 weeks.

A head, eyes, nose, and mouth are visible, along with arms, hands, feet, and even the baby’s rib cage:

Photo of 10-week aborted baby: Reddit user brazen 177

The preborn child has arms and legs, and by 10 weeks, the hands and feet are not only developed, but are hands and feet with individual fingers and toes; fingernails and toenails are present as well. The preborn child can suck his or her thumb, make sighing movements, swallow, yawn, and react to touch.

Women have expressed serious shock after taking the abortion pill and seeing the bodies of their preborn children, who are not simply “blobs of tissue” as they were told. Live Action’s “I Saw My Baby” features testimonials from some of these women, who were left traumatized by their experiences.

Though at 10 weeks, the preborn child is known as a ‘fetus,’ this term does not mean the baby is less than a human being. ‘Fetus’ is merely a descriptor for a stage in human prenatal development, no different than the numerous others used throughout a person’s life: blastocyst, embryo, fetus, newborn, toddler, adolescent, adult, and so forth.


And contrary to what Planned Parenthood’s staffer claimed when asked about the preborn baby’s beating heart — that “[u]sually you can start, it’s around I think the 8th or the 9th week that you can hear the heartbeat” — the pumping of blood by the heart can be detected weeks earlier than this.

A heartbeat (or “cardiac activity,” as abortion advocates prefer to call it) can be detected by ultrasound around six weeks of pregnancy (four weeks after fertilization) but the heart actually begins beating and pumping blood by just 22 days (three weeks) after fertilization.


In the undercover video, the Planned Parenthood staffer also misled the client about abortion’s safety for women, repeating the misconception that abortion is “actually safer than carrying to term.” Just one study found that abortion is safer than childbirth, and those results have never been replicated. It was authored by two pro-abortion researchers, and it did not include statistics from Maryland, Washington, D.C., New Hampshire, New York City, or California — which chose not to report their abortion data.

There is no federal requirement for abortions or abortion complications to be reported, so it is unknown how many women are actually injured as a result of abortion — and therefore, the safety of abortion for women is one very large question mark. Abortion and abortion complication reporting among states is inconsistent as well, with just 28 states currently requiring the reporting of abortion-related complications.

Informed consent is one of the most important tenets of health care. Since Planned Parenthood prefers to present itself as a legitimate health care provider, it should know the importance of informing women beforehand what abortion is (the intentional killing of a human being) and what it does (poisons or dismembers the child’s developing body). Without full information, women cannot truly give informed consent — but then, if women knew the truth about the humanity of their preborn children, they might be less likely to go through with their abortions.

Withholding the truth is better for Planned Parenthood’s business, but the lie leads to defrauding, death, and damage that can never be undone. In no way should $700M annual taxpayer dollars be propping up this abortion corporation.

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