
Politico: Planned Parenthood defunding will be a central issue in 2012 campaign

Fascinating article on Politico today–“Planned Parenthood: A 2012 Litmus Test?”:

The battle over Planned Parenthood’s public funding is shaping up as the key reproductive health issue in 2012 elections, with groups on both sides of abortion politics already mobilizing for a fierce battle.

GOP strategist Mark McKinnon, who was an adviser to John McCain, thinks this is a bad thing. Of course, we all know how well the McCain campaign turned out…

Some potential presidential contenders are already warming up, and they have good reason to do so:

And last week at the Faith and Freedom Conference, possible presidential contender Rep. Michele Bachmann called Planned Parenthood “corrupt” and too “disgusting” to discuss.

“Obama has made it a presidential level issue by being willing to shut down the federal government” over Planned Parenthood’s funding, Dannenfelser said. “Now, he’s willing to revoke all Medicaid funds to Indiana. He has made this a top drawer issue.”


Susan B. Anthony List said [a] survey they conducted in April of this year found 54 percent of Americans surveyed opposed “tax dollars for family planning services going to organizations that perform abortions.” That same poll found that 52 percent of independents and 51 percent of women opposed funding family planning services for abortion providers.

With any luck, holding the spotlight on Planned Parenthood’s corruption during a major presidential campaign will “streamline the process” of defunding, delicensing, and delegitimizing them. It’s hard to make yourself look “as legit as possible” when your dirty laundry gets a public viewing:

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